You must provide the letters that and the length of the word. The script will either combine them and produce every possible word or use a dictionary to output only "valid" words (faster and very little memory usage).
You can clone this repository with either of these options:
git clone
git clone [email protected]:aeu79/palabrotas.git
# GitHub CLI
gh repo clone aeu79/palabrotas
And run it:
cd palabrotas && python3
Or just copy the script
and the "files" folder (which contains the dictionaries).
Then run it with: python3 /your/path/to/
And you can indicate the dictionary to use with one of these arguments:
or --english
or --spanish
or --swedish
First, you will be prompted to choose between the complete (press "c") or
dictionary (leave empty) modes.
After pressing enter, you have to input the letters. Every letter is used only once, so you need to repeat them as many times as you need.
Enter the word length and press enter.
In the complete mode, every possible combination is generated. Please, be aware that (at least in my laptop) words of length >14 letters can hang the system. Twelve letters long words generate almost 17 million possible outcomes. For very long words, you should use only the dictionary mode. Example run in "complete" mode (-en, English version):
The dictionary (English) has 170588 words.
Enter "c" for "complete" mode (all possible combinations).
Leave empty for "dictionary" mode.
Mode: c
Complete mode.
Enter the letters to be combined. Sub-words can be used to be combined with the other letters and can must be indicated after a "/" (leave empty to finish).
Letters: aetor
Length of the word: 3
There are 60 possibilities. It took 0.0 seconds to combine them.
The main candidates (23) with 3 letters are:
{'ore', 'era', 'rte', 'roe', 'toe', 'tor', 'rat', 'eat', 'tea', 'ret', 'aet', 'art', 'tar', 'eta', 'are', 'ear', 'oar', 'ort', 'oat', 'rot', 'ate', 'ora', 'ter'}
Filter out words using these letters (leave empty to finish):
Do you want to see all of them? (y/n)y
{'eot', 'aoe', 'rta', 'teo', 'ore', 'tro', 'era', 'roa', 'rte', 'rae', 'roe', 'toe', 'tor', 'oet', 'eat', 'rat', 'oea', 'tea', 'ret', 'tao', 'tre', 'aet', 'ote', 'aeo', 'tra', 'atr', 'rao', 'art', 'tar', 'eta', 'are', 'ear', 'tae', 'eao', 'oar', 'eor', 'ota', 'eto', 'aor', 'toa', 'etr', 'aer', 'ort', 'ert', 'oer', 'rto', 'aot', 'rea', 'ero', 'oae', 'oat', 'otr', 'rot', 'reo', 'ate', 'aro', 'ora', 'eoa', 'ter', 'ato'}
In the dictionary mode, only words containing the letters introduced are used, which saves a lot of memory and CPU. Example run in "dictionary" mode (-es, Spanish version):
El diccionario (Spanish) tiene 917580 palabras.
Ingrese "c" para modo completo (generar todos los posibles valores) o nada para modo "diccionario"
Eligió modo diccionario.
Ingrese las letras que deben formar las palabras.
Letras (q para terminar): aspltabaro
Longitud de la palabra: 10
Las principales candidatas (1) con 10 letras son:
Independently of the mode, the program will try to identify the main candidates by filtering with the dictionary. Those words will be on top. Still you will be prompted to choose a filter or leave it empty (and press enter) to finish. Filtering allows to use some letters that are for example pretty clear from the image of a rebus or a known syllable from the anagram.
Screenshot of Apalabrados (Word Crack)
Screenshot of Word of wonders)
Letters: M F U O R
Main candidates with 5 letters:
Main candidates with 4 letters:
['form', 'four', 'from']
Main candidates with 3 letters:
['for', 'fou', 'fro', 'fum', 'fur', 'mfr', 'our', 'rom', 'rum']
And "for"... 🎉
Good to find what words they can make using their names' letters.
Letras: Dogual
['adulo', 'agudo', 'aludo', 'dogal', 'laudo']
Letras: Liam
['ilma', 'lami', 'lima', 'mali']
Get all possible combinations of ACTG taken 3 at a time:
Letras: ACTG
Longitud de la palabra: 3
{'cgt', 'atc', 'tga', 'cga', 'gac', 'cta', 'gca', 'ctg', 'agc', 'atg', 'gtc', 'cat', 'tcg', 'tgc', 'agt', 'tac', 'act', 'cag', 'gat', 'tca', 'gct', 'tag', 'gta', 'acg'}
The can run in English or Spainsh and using the corresponding dictionary
English (default):
python3 -en
python3 -es
python3 -sv
Install hunspell-tools: sudo apt install hunspell-tools
Instruction to create the Spanish dictionary:
- Clone the repository
git clone &&
cd ./rla-es/ && git pull
- Generate the words, including plurals, conjugated verbs, etc. (unmunch diccionario.dic afijos.aff):
unmunch './ortograf/herramientas/es_ANY.dic' './ortograf/herramientas/es_ANY.aff' > 'palabras_todas.txt'
- Remove the accent marks (á, é, í, ó, ú and uppercase variants):
sed -r 's/á/a/g;s/Á/a/g;s/É/e/g;s/é/e/g;s/Í/i/g;s/í/i/g;s/Ó/o/g;s/ó/o/g;s/Ú/u/g;s/ú/u/g' palabras_todas.txt > palabras.txt
- Remove uppercase:
sed -i 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' palabras.txt
- And compress it (with python 😅):
python3 -m zipfile -c palabras.txt
unmunch en_GB-large.dic en_GB-large.aff > palabras.txt
zip palabras.txt
From the palabrotas directory run:
mkdir files/svenska
cd files/svenska
mv -v ooo-swedish-dict-2-42.oxt
unmunch dictionaries/sv_SE.dic dictionaries/sv_SE.aff > ./palabras.txt
sed -ir 's/á/a/g;s/Á/a/g;s/É/e/g;s/é/e/g;s/Í/i/g;s/í/i/g;s/Ó/o/g;s/ó/o/g;s/Ú/u/g;s/ú/u/g' ./palabras.txt
sed -i 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/' palabras.txt
cd ..
(zip -j ./ svenska/palabras.txt) && (rm -r ./svenska/* && rmdir ./svenska)
- Document the usage in the readme
- Translate code comments to English
- Add the option to run it in Spanish/English
- Automate dictionary creation/update (update it at least every 10-50 years)
- Add Swedish dictionary.
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