This repository contains a Python version of the Matlab MI-IPA implementation (GitHub): "Inferring interaction partners from protein sequences using mutual information", by Anne-Florence Bitbol (article).
MSA in fasta format (5109 random pairs). First sequence is the reference, last a dummy sequence. Names look like this:
We should somehow input the info about the length of each sequence pair in the alignment (Probably best if given as an argument).
Sp. Index | Sp. name |
1 | Acetohalobium_arabaticum_DSM_5501 |
2 | Carboxydothermus_hydrogenoformans_Z-2901 |
3 | Vibrio_cholerae_MJ-1236 |
4 | Rickettsia_rickettsii_str._Hino |
5 | Serratia_marcescens_WW4 |
6 | Bacillus_cereus_AH820 |
7 | Escherichia_coli_CFT073 |
502 Species in total. Made a .csv version for us.
(from MatLab, see
Sp. Index | Seq nº | Sp. Index | Seq nº |
491 | 4948 | 491 | 4949 |
491 | 4949 | 491 | 4944 |
491 | 4950 | 491 | 4947 |
491 | 4951 | 491 | 4936 |
492 | 4952 | 492 | 4955 |
492 | 4953 | 492 | 4956 |
492 | 4954 | 492 | 4954 |
Probably random pairs (5064), not final result.
Sp. Index | Seq nº | Seq nº | Score x? | Score y? |
1 | 2 | 2 | -822.35 | 452.64 |
1 | 3 | 3 | -705.42 | 452.64 |
2 | 4 | 7 | -769.9 | 136.96 |
2 | 5 | 5 | -301.21 | 359.58 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
502 | 5105 | 5105 | -605.18 | 385.49 |
502 | 5106 | 5108 | -409.19 | 152.64 |
502 | 5107 | 5107 | -285.82 | 457.96 |
502 | 5108 | 5098 | -270.35 | 134.47 |
Contains 5064 lines with the final pairs (5109 pairs in the input fasta). We will have to match this seq. nº to the ones in the input fasta to generate a nicer output (table).
Nº of pairs? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
0 | 4452.3 | 872 | 4192 | 0 | 0 |
1600 | 1511 | 1455 | 3609 | 256 | 1344 |
3200 | 2240.5 | 1737 | 3327 | 1043 | 2157 |
4800 | 3014 | 1913 | 3151 | 1690 | 3110 |
5064 | 3156.3 | 2040 | 3024 | 1913 | 3151 |
Output matrix (MI_IPA_main.m: lines 102-104)
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- pandas
- biopython
- scipy
- munkres
Install with:
pip3 install pandas biopython scipy munkres