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[CLIENT-3033] Add CI/CD workflow that tests proxy client against a proxy server build from JFrog #36

[CLIENT-3033] Add CI/CD workflow that tests proxy client against a proxy server build from JFrog

[CLIENT-3033] Add CI/CD workflow that tests proxy client against a proxy server build from JFrog #36

Workflow file for this run

name: Build and upload proxy client to JFrog
- stage
# TODO: snapshots_private has been removed from base parent pom.xml. Need to add workflow code to write snapshots_private to local pipeline pom.xml (this workflow will not work until that is done)
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- name: Checkout Java client
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up settings.xml for Maven
uses: s4u/[email protected]
servers: '[{"id": "snapshots_private", "username": "${{ secrets.JFROG_USERNAME }}", "password": "${{ secrets.JFROG_MAVEN_TOKEN }}"}]'
- name: Build Java client
run: mvn install
- name: Run Aerospike server
run: docker run -d --name aerospike -p 3000:3000 aerospike/aerospike-server
- run: docker login --username ${{ secrets.JFROG_USERNAME }} --password ${{ secrets.JFROG_DOCKER_TOKEN }}
# TODO: change to use "latest" tag
- name: Get all tags for proxy server Docker image
run: docker pull --all-tags ${{ vars.JFROG_PROXY_SERVER_DOCKER_REPO }}
# If we try to emulate aarch64 and run a proxy server Docker image designed for aarch64, the log file won't exist in the container
# i.e there won't be any output in `docker logs` for the proxy server.
# so we can't tell if the proxy server is running or not
- name: Get the latest tag for proxy server for this CPU platform
run: echo LATEST_TAG=$(docker images --filter label="architecture=$(uname -m)" ${{ vars.JFROG_PROXY_SERVER_DOCKER_REPO }} --format json | jq -r '.Tag' | head -n 1) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Enables pipefail
shell: bash
- name: Run Aerospike Proxy on latest tag
# TODO: not sure why aerospike-proxy.yml couldn't be included in Docker image...
run: docker run -d --name aerospike-proxy -p 4000:4000 -v ./aerospike-proxy.yml:/etc/aerospike-proxy/aerospike-proxy.yml ${{ vars.JFROG_PROXY_SERVER_DOCKER_REPO }}:${{ env.LATEST_TAG }}
working-directory: .github/workflows/test-configs
- name: Wait for native and proxy server to start
run: sleep 3
- name: Run tests
run: mvn test -Dtest=com.aerospike.test.SuiteAll -DfailIfNoTests=false
# TODO: For debugging. Remove later
- if: ${{ always() }}
run: docker container ps -a
- if: ${{ always() }}
run: docker logs aerospike
# TODO: docker logs prints nothing. Not sure why this happens
- if: ${{ always() }}
run: docker exec aerospike-proxy cat /var/log/aerospike-proxy/aerospike-proxy.log
# - name: Upload to JFrog
# run: mvn deploy
# TODO: create release bundle
# Based on
# - uses: jfrog/setup-jfrog-cli@v4
# with:
# JF_URL: ${{ vars.JF_URL }}
# - name: Create release bundle from JFrog build
# run: jf release-bundle-create aerospike-java-proxy-client