This is a test-runner written in nodeJS that generate heavy loads on a standalone AeroGear-UPS instance by sending push notifications.
The ups-test-driver has different ways to stress test the server, all using unifiedpush-node-sender.
This one is intended to reach all devices with a single request. It will get all apps from UPS using unifiedpush-admin-client and send a notification to a test alias, TEST_TOKEN
. Hence all devices must register with this alias.
This mode only requires the arguments: username
and password
This one is designed to reach a group of devices within an App, but one request at a time. The information about the devices must be stored in a CSV file and have 3 columns containing: variantID, alias and tokenID. By default the headers are #VARIANT ID
. This data is easily created by ups-mock-data-loader.
This mode only requires the arguments: pushApplicationID
, masterSecret
and csv
This one aims to send many different notifications but with a single request. Each notification targets a different alias and has a custom message, but only one request to UPS. The information about the devices must be stored in a CSV as above.
This mode only requires the arguments: pushApplicationID
, masterSecret
and csv
Concurrency can be added in two ways. By using the -i
flag, it will instantiate more than one test-runner, which is like running the node app many times in different processes.
Having NPM and nodeJS installed, first download all core dependencies:
$ npm install --production
Then start the test-runner by running node index.js
and passing the necessary arguments. To see detailed usage instructions run node index.js -h
Usage: node index.js [[user credentials] | [app arguments]] [options]
User credentials:
-u, --username AeroGear account username
-p, --password AeroGear account password
App arguments:
-a, --pushApplicationID The target applications' pushApplicationID
-m, --masterSecret The target applications' masterSecret
-c, --csv The path to the CSV path containing the alias in
-e, --endPoint The UPS instance url [default: "http://localhost:8080/ag-push"]
-d, --delay The delay between each request [default: 1000]
-i, --instances How many test runners will be instantiated
simultaneously [default: 1]
-b, --batchMode Whether or not the notifications will be sent using
the 'batch' feature. [default: false]
-h, --help Show help
node app/index.js -u admin -p 123
node app/index.js -u admin -p 123 -e http://localhost:8080/ag-push
node app/index.js -a 123abc456def -m secret -c ./devices.csv
node app/index.js -a 123abc456def -m secret -c ./devices.csv -d 2000 -i 10
Having NPM and nodeJS installed, first download all dependencies:
$ npm install
Make sure the style guidelines are being followed by running the linter, ESLint:
$ node_modules/.bin/eslint app spec
Make sure all specs are met by simply running:
$ npm test
For each new feature, modification, bug, etc. it is expected to create as many specs as it is necessary.
Specs must be named like the JS class or file they are defining, with .spec
right before the extension. For example if we were to write the specs for:
the spec file would be: