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Umbilical is server side companion for podcast PWAs, supporting things that can't be done client side.

By design it aims to be ephemeral, minimal, and cheap to run.

What's this for?

Umbilical should be run as a server, to bridge functional gaps between browser-based podcast applications and the rest of the ecosystem. Supported features are highlighted in purple text in the diagram below. Umbilical's role in supporting those features is highlighted in orange text.

Umbilical system diagram

Umbilical is not designed for managing user accounts or durably storing subscription lists. It is mostly stateless, with the exception of ephemerally stored subscription lists needed for podping notifications. Client applications should regularly republish their subscriptions to Umbilical, and should not rely on Umbilical as a storage system.

Environment variables

name description default
ENABLED_FEATURES comma-separated list of features to enable 'proxy,podcastindex,podping_websocket'
UMBILICAL_KEYS comma-separated list of valid signing keys (see authentication) n/a
PI_API_KEY PodcastIndex API key, used for search n/a
PI_API_SECRET PodcastIndex API secret , used for search n/a
WEBPUSH_JWK_BASE64 base64-encoded JSON Web Key for webpush n/a
WEBPUSH_CONTACT contact info (subject) for webpush n/a
WEBPUSH_TEMPLATE template for webpush notification messages 'angular'
WEBPUSH_THROTTLE_MINUTES number of minutes to wait before emitting a podping push notification for the same (iri, reason, medium). Set to 0 for no waiting. 60
OAUTH2_CONFIG base64url-encoded JSON object containing oauth2 client configurations (see oauth2 bridge API) n/a
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT OTLP http endpoint for exporting telemetry data to an OpenTelemetry collector n/a

Features and deployment types

Umbilical ships with a number of features whose availability depends on the deployment type. Here is a list of deployment types:

deployment type description lifetime (typical) examples
edge worker stateless function <1s Deno Deploy, Cloudflare Workers, Google Cloud Run
websocket server stateful for the duration of socket connection minutes to hours Deno Deploy, Cloudflare Workers, Google Cloud Run
server stateful for the duration of server process hours to days Digital Ocean App Platform

Here is a list of features and compatible deployment types:

feature description deploy type
proxy proxy RSS, chapters, and opml files all
podcastindex proxy various PodcastIndex APIs including search and lookups all
podping_websocket relay podpings from Livewire's podping websocket service to a running PWA, for subscribed feeds websocket server, server
podping_webpush send podpings to running or non-running PWAs using webpush, for subscribed feeds (see below) server
oauth2 retrieve tokens from an Oauth2 authorization server and securely hand them back to the PWA server


You must set UMBILICAL_KEYS in the runtime environment in order to serve requests. It should be set to a comma-separated list of valid signing keys.

Signing keys are used by Umbilical to verify the request signature, which is passed differently depending on the request type:

  • HTTP: the signature is passed in the "X-Umbilical-Signature" request header.
  • WebSocket: the signature is passed as the query string.

The request signature has following format:

    t=<timestamp in milliseconds>,s=<hmac>

The hmac is generated by concatenating the timestamp, a requestLine string (defined below), and body payload with periods, then generating an HMAC SHA256 using a signing key as the secret:


The requestLine string is the request URL without the protocol (https:// or wss://), and including the query string for http(s) only.


request URL requestLine

For PUT, POST, and DELETE requests, the bodyText is serialized JSON. For GET requests the bodyText is empty.

The hmac should be generated using one of the signing keys in UMBILICAL_KEYS.

To allow unauthenticated requests, set UMBILICAL_KEYS to "DANGEROUSLY_ALLOW_ALL".

See src/verify.ts for full details of signature verification.

examples/ has example code for signing requests.

Proxy API

GET /API/worker/proxy?rss=<rss url>

GET /API/worker/proxy?chapters=<chapters url>

GET /API/worker/proxy?opml=<opml url>

Proxies the RSS, chapters, or opml url. Returns an error if the resource fails parsing. Returns the raw unparsed resource if parsing passes.

Philsophy: Proxy only known formats, to protect the service, but be otherwise unopinionated about parsing.

To assist with detecting feed moves, the proxy adds a X-Final-URL header when the response url differs from the requested one.

PodcastIndex APIs

Umbilical supports passthrough for a subset of PodcastIndex APIs and related "extras".

Requires the following environment variables to be set:


You can sign up for free credentials at


GET /API/worker/pi/search/byterm?q=<search query>

Relays a query to PodcastIndex's Search Podcasts API.

episode by Guid (for resolving remoteItems)

GET /API/worker/pi/episodes/byguid?feedGuid=<feedGuid>&itemGuid=<itemGuid>

Returns the episode remoteItem from the given feedGuid and itemGuid.

podcast by Feed URL (for podcast:guid lookups)

GET /API/worker/pi/podcasts/byfeedurl?feedUrl=<feedUrl>

Returns the podcast from the given feedUrl.

podcast by Feed GUID (for handling feed moves)

GET /API/worker/pi/podcasts/byguid?guid=<guid>

Returns the podcast from the given podcast:guid.

podroll API

GET /API/worker/pi/extras/podroll?rss=<rss url>

Returns the rss feed's podroll in OPML format.

Returns an error if the feed has no podroll.

Podping websocket API

Proxies podpings from Livewire's podping websocket service via websocket to connected clients.

By default, all podpings are filtered out. Clients must subscribe to URLs or IRIs of interest.

Also, clients MUST respond to a ping message with a pong message. If a client fails to respond, it will be disconnected. Pings and Pongs are simple JSON objects having top-level ping and pong properties, respectively.

Podping messages are passed unmodified using Livewire's format as either PodpingV0 or PodpingV1 (see the post linked above for details).

Websocket Endpoint: /API/websocket/podping


  • addRssUrls(string[]): subscribe to podpings whose URLs (v0.x) or IRIs (v1.x) match the given strings
  • deleteRssUrls(string[]): unsubscribe from podpings whose URLs (v0.x) or IRIs (v1.x) match the given strings

For matching purposes, url schemes and trailing slashes are ignored.

Podping webpush API

Sends webpush notifications to subscribed clients.

Note: this feature requires an always-on server deployment, such as Digital Ocean App Platform. Also, it relies on ephemeral storage, so deployments should use a single vm or container, and clients should regularly re-push their subscription.

You can generate a webpush keypair for setting WEBPUSH_JWK_BASE64 as follows:

deno task generate


  • GET /API/server/podping-webpush/pubkey: get the public key for webpush

    • response body:

  • PUT /API/server/podping-webpush/subscription: add push subscription for podping messages from the provided RSS URLs

    • body:

          rssUrls: string[],
          pushSubscription: PushSubscription
    • The push subscription should be a JSON object as returned by the PushManager.subscribe() method.

    • Subsequent calls overwrite previous state for the subscription.

  • DELETE /API/server/podping-webpush/subscription: delete the push subscription

    • body:

          pushSubscription: PushSubscription
    • The push subscription should be a JSON object as returned by the PushManager.subscribe() method.

notification templates

Webpush notifications are developer-customizable. To create a new template, add a key to src/podping/webpush/notification-templates.ts and set WEBPUSH_TEMPLATE to that key in the runtime environment. Templates are serialized JSON strings that use Eta template syntax to interpolate values from the podping message.

Oauth2 bridge API (experimental)

Retrieve tokens from an Oauth2 authorization server.

This could also be handled directly from the PWA using a PKCE flow.

In this implementation, Umbilical stores the client_id and client_secret. Unlike with a PWA, Umbilical can keep the client_secret secret. Also, it unbundles the client_id from the PWA and thereby keeps the PWA generic.

This implementation uses Umbilical authentication and a PKCE-like flow to guard token handoff from Umbilical to the PWA.

Before calling Umbilical's login method, the PWA should generate a code_verifier and code_challenge in the same manner as a PKCE flow.

  • GET /API/server/oauth2/:clientkey/login?code_challenge=<code_challenge>&redirect_uri=<redirect_uri>

    • Initiates a login flow using the oauth client mapped to clientkey in the config.
  • GET /API/server/oauth2/:clientkey/callback

    • Handles the oauth2 callback from the authorization server.
    • Returns a random code to the PWA.
  • POST /API/server/oauth2/:clientkey/token (requires authentication)

    • body:

          code: string,
          code_verifier: string
    • PWA uses this call to exchange the code for an access token.

  • POST /API/server/oauth2/:clientkey/refreshToken (requires authentication)

    • body:

          refreshToken: string
    • PWA uses this call to refresh the access token.

Oauth clients are configured by populating the data structure in mocks/oauth2-config.json, base64url-encoding it, and setting the OAUTH2_CONFIG environment variable to the result.

A helper script is provided to generate the base64url-encoded config:

deno task encode-oauth2-config mocks/oauth2-config.json


The latest image for this repo is posted to Docker Hub.


Operating an open proxy is risky. We strongly recommend not using "DANGEROUSLY_ALLOW_ALL" in production.

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Lifeline services for podcast PWAs







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