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"It takes a village..." Release - 119r12

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@aegean-odyssey aegean-odyssey released this 31 Jul 16:07
· 55 commits to master since this release

"It takes a village..." Release - 119r12

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Good suggestions, commentary, and feedback mark this firmware release. Thank you to everyone for your comments, observations, suggestions, and patience. With this release, we have some fixes and generally more useful firmware.

Please note: when installing or upgrading, the firmware may not properly detect and correct errors in the flash memory used to store its settings. Bizarre or erratic motion is a strong indication that there is a problem with the settings. The M502 (load factory settings) command followed by the M500 (save settings) command should get the firmware operating from a known "ground" state.

Notable changes

  • A particularly nasty crashing issue rendered the -PCfan variants of the previous release useless. The cause has been identified (stack overflow) and seems to be fixed in this release.

  • Usability changes to the G29 and G30 codes should allow these codes to be much more useful. (see "G/M code Support")

  • The -ACfan variants of the firmware combine both the automatic hotend fan and the part cooling fan functions into
    one fan. When the part cooling fan is disabled (M107/M106 S0) the fan operates as the automatic hotend fan.
    Otherwise, the fan functions as a part cooling fan.

  • Temperature measurements now pass through a smoothing filter with a larger time constant. This should reduce a
    fair amount of the noise in the temperature readings.

  • AddedCALIBRATE_25MM.gcode to the setup_gcode commands as an alternate to the AUTO_CALIBRATE.gcode command that calibrates with a smaller mesh boundary. It is useful for machines that cannot reach the full 55mm print radius.


Please see the wiki for installation instructions -- Wiki Pages


Feedback is appreciated.

Status: untested