Social network for dating
Full specification:
[Server] Python (Flask)
[Client] Vue, Bootstrap4
[Database] PostgreSQL
[Deployment] Docker
- Everything must be secured (JWT, SQL-debugging, XSS, hash password)
- Sign In and Sign Up components with email confirmation
- User Profile (biography, tags, pictures, fame rating, etc)
- GPS Location
- Match profiles (Same geographic area, With a maximum of common tags, With a maximum “fame rating”, etc)
- Chat
- Notifications in real time about likes, messages
P.S When two people “like” each other, we will say that they are “connected” and are now able to chat
brew install node
You can use two variants. The first one:
The second one:
brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox Matcha
eval $(docker-machine env Matcha)
git clone matcha
cd matcha
docker-compose up --build
go to: http://localhost:8080
Note: you can change a port in docker-compose
Create test users:
docker exec flask bash -c "python"
Run postgres client:
docker exec -it postgres psql matchaDB user
Enter in container:
docker exec -it flask bash
Remove all:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)