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v 0.11.0

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@adrientaudiere adrientaudiere released this 17 Dec 13:19
  • Add function filt_taxa_pq() to filter taxa based on the number of sequences/occurences
  • Add functions no_legend() and hill_curves_pq() to plot hill diversity accumulation curves for phyloseq
  • Add function umap_pq() to compute Dimensionality Reduction with UMAP
  • Add function plot_complexity_pq() to plot kmer complexity of references sequences of a phyloseq object
  • Add param type to ridge_pq() to plot a cumulative version (type="ecdf") version of ridge
  • Introduce the idea of a pq-verse: some other packages will complete the MiscMetabar packages to make package maintenance easier. The comparpq package will facilitate the comparison of phyloseq object with different taxonomy, different clustering methods, different samples with same modality or different primers.
  • Add functions [assign_vsearch_lca()], [assign_sintax()] and internal function [write_temp_fasta()]
  • Add param method to add_new_taxonomy_pq() to allow the use of [dada2::assign_taxonomy()] (default, precedent only method available), [assign_sintax()] or [assign_vsearch_lca()]