This repository contains a library of Python-based tools and utilities for working with ATT&CK content.
- the navlayers module contains a collection of utilities for working with ATT&CK Navigator layers.
- the attackToExcel module provides utilities for converting ATT&CK STIX data to Excel spreadsheets. It also provides access to Pandas DataFrames representing the dataset for use in data analysis.
- the collections module contains a set of utilities for working with ATT&CK Collections and Collection Indexes.
- the diffStix module contains a script that generates changelogs between two versions of STIX bundles.
To use this package, simply install the mitreattack-python library:
pip install mitreattack-python
To contribute to this project, either through a bug report, feature request, or merge request, please see the Contributors guide.
Some simple examples are provided here to get you started on using this library. More detailed information about the specific usage of the modules in this package, with examples, can be found in the individual README files for each module.
module name | description | documentation |
navlayers | Provides a means by which to import, export, and manipulate ATT&CK Navigator layers. These layers can be read in from the filesystem or python dictionaries, combined and edited, and then exported to excel or SVG images as users desire. | Further documentation for the navlayers module can be found here. |
attackToExcel | Provides functionalities for exporting the ATT&CK dataset into Excel Spreadsheets. It also provides programmatic access to the dataset as Pandas DataFrames to enable data analysis using that library. | Further documentation for the attackToExcel module can be found here. |
collections | Provides functionalities for converting and summarizing data in collections and collection indexes. It also provides a means by which to generate a collection from a raw stix bundle input. | Further documentation for the collections module can be found here. |
diffStix | Create markdown, HTML, JSON and/or ATT&CK Navigator layers reporting on the changes between two versions of the STIX2 bundles representing the ATT&CK content. Run diff_stix -h for full usage instructions. |
Further documentation for the diffStix module can be found here. |
from mitreattack.navlayers import Layer
example_layer4_dict = {
"name": "layer v4.3 example",
"versions" : {
"attack": "8",
"layer" : "4.3",
"navigator": "4.3"
"domain": "enterprise-attack"
layerA = Layer() # Create a new layer object
layerA.from_dict(example_layer4_dict) # Load layer data into existing layer object
print(layerA.to_dict()) # Retrieve the loaded layer's data as a dictionary, and print it
from mitreattack.navlayers import Layer, ToSvg
lay = Layer()
lay.from_file("path/to/layer/example.json") # import a layer from the filesystem
t = ToSvg(domain=lay.layer.domain, source='taxii') # Use taxii server to get data for template
t.to_svg(lay, filepath="example.svg") # render the layer to an SVG file
Further documentation for the navlayers module can be found here.
import mitreattack.attackToExcel.attackToExcel as attackToExcel
attackToExcel.export("enterprise-attack", "v8.1", "/path/to/export/folder") # generate spreadsheets representing enterprise-attack v8.1
import mitreattack.attackToExcel.attackToExcel as attackToExcel
import mitreattack.attackToExcel.stixToDf as stixToDf
# download and parse ATT&CK STIX data
attackdata = attackToExcel.get_stix_data("enterprise-attack")
# get Pandas DataFrames for techniques, associated relationships, and citations
techniques_data = stixToDf.techniquesToDf(attackdata, "enterprise-attack")
# show T1102 and sub-techniques of T1102
techniques_df = techniques_data["techniques"]
Further documentation for the attackToExcel module can be found here.
Several command line tools have been included in this package. They can be run immediately after installing the package, using the syntax described below.
This command line tool allows users to convert a navigator layer file to either an svg image or excel file using the functionality provided by the navlayers module. Details about the SVG configuration json mentioned below can be found in the SVGConfig entry within the navlayers module documentation.
C:\Users\attack>layerExporter_cli -h
usage: layerExporter_cli [-h] -m {svg,excel} [-s {taxii,local,remote}]
[--resource RESOURCE] -o OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]
input [input ...]
Export an ATT&CK Navigator layer as a svg image or excel file
positional arguments:
input Path(s) to the file to export
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m {svg,excel}, --mode {svg,excel}
The form to export the layers in
-s {taxii,local,remote}, --source {taxii,local,remote}
What source to utilize when building the matrix
--resource RESOURCE Path to the local resource if --source=local, or url
of an ATT&CK Workbench instance if --source=remote
-o OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...], --output OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]
Path(s) to the exported svg/xlsx file
[SVG Only] Path to a SVG configuration json to use
when rendering
[SVG Only] X and Y size values (in inches) for SVG
export (use -l for other settings)
C:\Users\attack>layerExporter_cli -m svg -s taxii -l settings/config.json -o output/svg1.json output/svg2.json files/layer1.json files/layer2.json
This command line tool allows users to generate excel spreadsheets representing the ATT&CK dataset.
C:\Users\attack>attackToExcel_cli -h
usage: attackToExcel_cli [-h]
[-domain {enterprise-attack,mobile-attack,ics-attack}]
[-version VERSION] [-output OUTPUT]
Download ATT&CK data from MITRE/CTI and convert it to excel spreadsheets
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-domain {enterprise-attack,mobile-attack,ics-attack}
which domain of ATT&CK to convert
-version VERSION which version of ATT&CK to convert. If omitted, builds
the latest version
-output OUTPUT output directory. If omitted writes to a subfolder of
the current directory depending on the domain and
C:\Users\attack>attackToExcel_cli -domain ics-attack -version v8.1 -output exported_data
This command line tool allows users to generate ATT&CK Navigator layer files from either a specific group, software, or mitigation. Alternatively, users can generate a layer file with a mapping to all associated groups, software, or mitigations across the techniques within ATT&CK.
C:\Users\attack>layerGenerator_cli -h
usage: layerGenerator_cli [-h]
(--overview-type {group,software,mitigation,datasource} | --mapped-to MAPPED_TO | --batch-type {group,software,mitigation,datasource})
[-o OUTPUT] [--domain {enterprise,mobile,ics}]
[--source {taxii,local,remote}]
[--resource RESOURCE]
Generate an ATT&CK Navigator layer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--overview-type {group,software,mitigation,datasource}
Output a layer file where the target type is
summarized across the entire dataset.
--mapped-to MAPPED_TO
Output layer file with techniques mapped to the given
group, software, mitigation, or data component. Argument
can be name, associated group/software, or ATT&CK ID.
--batch-type {group,software,mitigation,datasource}
Output a collection of layer files to the specified
folder, each one representing a different instance of
the target type.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Path to the output layer file/directory
--domain {enterprise,mobile,ics}
Which domain to build off of
--source {taxii,local,remote}
What source to utilize when building the layer files
--resource RESOURCE Path to the local resource if --source=local, or url
of an ATT&CK Workbench instance if --source=remote
C:\Users\attack>layerGenerator_cli --domain enterprise --source taxii --mapped-to S0065 --output generated_layer.json
C:\Users\attack>layerGenerator_cli --domain mobile --source taxii --overview-type mitigation --output generated_layer2.json
C:\Users\attack>layerGenerator_cli --domain ics --source taxii --batch-type software
C:\Users\attack>layerGenerator_cli --domain enterprise --source taxii --overview-type datasource --output generated_layer3.json
This command line tool allows users to transform an ATT&CK collection index file into a human-readable markdown file that documents the contents of said collections.
C:\Users\attack>indexToMarkdown_cli -h
usage: [-h] [-index INDEX] [-output OUTPUT]
Print a markdown string to std-out representing a collection index
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INDEX, --index INDEX the collection index file to convert to markdown
-o output, --output OUTPUT markdown output file
C:\Users\attack>indexToMarkdown_cli --index C:\Users\attack\examples\index.json --output
This command line tool allows users to transform ATT&CK collections into an ATT&CK collection index that summarizes the contents of the linked collections.
C:\Users\attack>collectionToIndex_cli -h
usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT]
(--files collection1 [collection2 ...] | --folders FOLDERS [FOLDERS ...])
name description root_url
Create a collection index from a set of collections
positional arguments:
name name of the collection index. If omitted a placeholder
will be used
description description of the collection index. If omitted a
placeholder will be used
root_url the root URL where the collections can be found.
Specified collection paths will be appended to this
for the collection URL
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output OUTPUT filename for the output collection index file
--files collection1 [collection2 ...]
list of collections to include in the index
--folders FOLDERS [FOLDERS ...]
folder of JSON files to treat as collections
C:\Users\attack>collectionToIndex_cli test_index "a layer created as a demo" --files C:\Users\attack\examples\collection.json --output C:\Users\attack\examples\index.json
This command line tool allows users to transform raw stix bundle files into versions featuring collection objects. It is compatible with both STIX 2.0 and STIX 2.1 bundles.
C:\Users\attack>stixToCollection_cli -h
usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output OUTPUT]
[--description DESCRIPTION]
name version
Update a STIX 2.0 or 2.1 bundle to include a collection object referencing the
contents of the bundle.
positional arguments:
name the name for the generated collection object
version the ATT&CK version for the generated collection object
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT the input bundle file
--output OUTPUT the output bundle file
--description DESCRIPTION
description to use for the generated collection
C:\Users\attack>stixToCollection "2.0 demo bundle" 9.1 --input C:\Users\bundles\enterprise-bundle-2_0.json
C:\Users\attack>stixToCollection "2.1 demo bundle" 9.1 --input C:\Users\bundles\enterprise-bundle-2_1.json
Cyber Threat Intelligence repository of the ATT&CK catalog expressed in STIX 2.0 JSON. This repository also contains our USAGE document which includes additional examples of accessing and parsing our dataset in Python.
ATT&CK® is a curated knowledge base and model for cyber adversary behavior, reflecting the various phases of an adversary’s lifecycle, and the platforms they are known to target. ATT&CK is useful for understanding security risk against known adversary behavior, for planning security improvements, and verifying defenses work as expected.
Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX™) is a language and serialization format used to exchange cyber threat intelligence (CTI).
STIX enables organizations to share CTI with one another in a consistent and machine-readable manner, allowing security communities to better understand what computer-based attacks they are most likely to see and to anticipate and/or respond to those attacks faster and more effectively.
STIX is designed to improve many capabilities, such as collaborative threat analysis, automated threat exchange, automated detection and response, and more.
One-off scripts and code examples you can use as inspiration for how to work with ATT&CK programmatically. Many of the functionalities found in the mitreattack-python package were originally posted on attack-scripts.
Copyright 2021 The MITRE Corporation
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 19-0486.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This project makes use of ATT&CK®