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Apache Spark is a research project for distributed computing which interacts with HDFS and heavily utilizes in-memory caching. Spark 1.0.0 can be deployed to traditional cloud and job management services such as EC2, Mesos, or Yarn. Further, Spark's standalone cluster mode enables Spark to run on other servers without installing other job management services.
However, configuring and submitting applications to a Spark 1.0.0 standalone cluster currently requires files to be synchronized across the entire cluster, including the Spark installation directory. This project utilizes Fabric and Puppet to further automate the Spark standalone cluster. The Puppet scripts are MIT-licensed from stefanvanwouw/puppet-spark and wikimedia/puppet-cdh4.
Initial deployment installs HDFS and Spark on every server in the
cluster and application deployment submits Spark application
JAR's to the cluster.
An application to test deployment is provided in sample-app
These scripts have been tested in CentOS 6.5 with Spark 1.0.0 and Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.7.0.
> cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
> hadoop version
Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.7.0
> cat /usr/lib/spark/RELEASE
Spark 1.0.0 built for Hadoop 2.0.0-cdh4.7.0
Merge the prebuilt Spark library for Hadoop 2.0.0 CDH 4.7.0 with the following commands. As described in puppet-spark, the prebuilt library is necessary because Spark is not built for cdh 4.7.0.
cd initial-deployment-puppet/modules/spark/files/spark/lib cat spark-assembly.{1,2} > spark-examples-1.0.0-hadoop2.0.0-cdh4.7.0.jar rm spark-assembly.*
and set the master and worker servers. Ensure they can be accessed without a password using SSH keys. -
The Python dependencies are included in
and can be installed usingpip
withpip2.7 install -r requirements.txt
. -
Modify the
method ofinitial-deployment-fabfile.py
for your OS to install the Java JDK 1.7, make, and puppet and any other configuration all servers should have. The existinginit
configuration is for CentOS 6.5. -
Add server names and memory allocations to
after copying thetmpl
files. The master should match the master inservers.yaml
Using Fabric for deployment requires a configuration file named fabfile.py
in the current directory or a -f
parameter specifying the location
of the configuration file.
provides the following shell functions and aliases to interact
with Fabric.
The commands provided in env.sh
can be used by adding the following
line to .bashrc
or .zshrc
or by sourcing it in your current shell.
source <spark-cluster-deployment>/env.sh
# Initial deployment shell aliases/functions.
function spark-init() {
fab -f $DEPLOY_DIR/initial-deployment-fabfile.py $*
alias si='spark-init'
alias si-list='spark-init -list'
alias si-start-hm='spark-init startHdfsMaster'
alias si-start-hw='spark-init startHdfsWorkers'
alias si-start-sm='spark-init startSparkMaster'
alias si-start-sw='spark-init startSparkWorkers'
alias si-stop-hm='spark-init stopHdfsMaster'
alias si-stop-hw='spark-init stopHdfsWorkers'
alias si-stop-sm='spark-init stopSparkMaster'
alias si-stop-sw='spark-init stopSparkWorkers'
# Application deployment shell aliases/functions.
function spark-submit() {
fab -f $DEPLOY_DIR/application-deployment-fabfile.py $*
alias ss='spark-submit'
alias ss-list='spark-submit -list'
alias ss-sy='spark-submit sync'
alias ss-st='spark-submit start'
alias ss-a='spark-submit assembly'
alias ss-ss='spark-submit sync start'
alias ss-o='spark-submit getOutput'
alias ss-k='spark-submit kill'
The Puppet and Fabric scripts for the initial deployment bootstraps servers and installs HDFS and Spark master and workers as services on the cluster.
Spark and HDFS should run as services so they can be monitored and automatically started. Spark workers will crash if an uncaught exception occurs in a program, even by the Spark libraries! HDFS uses SysV init services by default and are left unmodified. The puppet-spark upstart scripts for Spark have been modified to restart Spark workers when their processes terminate.
Use si-list
to obtain a list of the available initial deployment commands.
> si-list
Available commands:
For example, to configure, install, and run Hadoop and Spark.
spark-init init
spark-init startHdfsMaster startHdfsWorkers startSparkMaster startSparkWorkers
To stop HDFS:
spark-init stopHdfsWorkers stopHdfsMaster
To stop Spark:
spark-init stopSparkWorkers stopSparkMaster
If the deployment succeeds, Spark should be started with a web interface
at spark_master_hostname:8080
, and the web interface for the HDFS
namenode is available at spark_master_hostname:50070
Spark can be accessed at spark://spark_master_hostname:7077
HDFS can be accessed at hdfs://spark_master_hostname:8020
Deploying applications to a Spark cluster requires application
JAR files to be distributed across every node on the cluster,
and provides no way of obtaining the output from the command line.
To ease the process of developing and deploying a Spark application,
the Fabric script application-deployment-fabfile.py
this functionality.
This runs the example Spark application located in sample-application
which squares a Seq
of numbers.
Build the application with ss assembly
, which uses Fabric
and pipes the output of sbt assembly
to assembly.log
If this succeeds, syncronize the fat JAR to all servers
and start the application.
The Spark master will select a worker to run the driver on.
> ss assembly && ss sync && ss start
[localhost] local: sbt assembly &> assembly.log
[node20] Executing task 'sync'
[node21] Executing task 'sync'
[node22] Executing task 'sync'
[node23] Executing task 'sync'
[node24] Executing task 'sync'
[node25] Executing task 'sync'
[node24] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node22] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node25] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node23] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node20] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node21] put: target/scala-2.10//ExampleApp.jar -> /tmp/ExampleApp.jar
[node20] Executing task 'start'
[node20] sudo: /usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit --class com.adobe.ExampleApp --master spark://spark_master_hostname:7077 --deploy-mode cluster /tmp//ExampleApp.jar
DriverID: driver-20140731140016-0000
DriverServer: node20
Disconnecting from node20... done.
Next, use getOutput
to get the driver stdout and stderr.
> ss getOutput
[localhost] local: scp node20:/raid/spark-work/driver-20140731140016-0000/stdout stdout.txt
stdout 100% 39 0.0KB/s 00:00
[localhost] local: scp node20:/raid/spark-work/driver-20140731140016-0000/stderr stderr.txt
stderr 100% 20KB 19.5KB/s 00:00
> cat stdout.txt
Nums: 1, 2, 4, 8
Squares: 1, 4, 16, 64
The sample-application
directory illustrates the usage of
the application deployment Fabric scripts.
Applications should use sbt for building the application with the sbt-assembly plugin to create a fat JAR.
adds the assembly plugin.
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.11.2")
contains sbt
settings and dependencies.
import AssemblyKeys._
jarName in assembly := "ExampleApp.jar"
name := "Example App"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
// Load "provided" libraries with `sbt run`.
run in Compile <<= Defaults.runTask(
fullClasspath in Compile, mainClass in (Compile, run), runner in (Compile, run)
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.0.0" % "provided",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.7.7" // Logging.
resolvers += "Akka Repository" at "http://repo.akka.io/releases/"
The Fabric scripts from from application specific config.yaml
jar: ExampleApp.jar
local_jar_dir: target/scala-2.10/
remote_jar_dir: /tmp/
main_class: com.adobe.ExampleApp
remote_spark_dir: /usr/lib/spark
spark_master: spark://spark_master_hostname:7077
spark_work: /raid/spark-work
The Spark context should attach to the standalone cluster and use the fat JAR deployed to all nodes as follows.
val conf = new SparkConf()
.set("spark.executor.memory", "10g")
.set("spark.cores.max", "4")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
The Puppet scripts are MIT-licensed from
stefanvanwouw/puppet-spark and
Diagrams are available in the public domain from
Other portions are copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
under the Apache 2 license, and a copy is provided in LICENSE