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The User Sync Tool is a command-line tool that automates the creation and management of Adobe user accounts. It does this by reading user and group information from an organization's enterprise directory system or a file and then creating, updating, or removing user accounts in the Adobe Admin Console. The key goals of the User Sync Tool are to streamline the process of named user deployment and automate user management for all Adobe users and products.

This application is open source, maintained by Adobe, and distributed under the terms of the OSI-approved MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Adobe Inc.


The User Sync Documentation covers all aspects of the tool, from both a general and a technical point of view. The following links are good places to start:

Technical Requirements

  • Windows, Ubuntu or CentOS server/VM (if using a pre-built release)
  • At least 4GB of available RAM
  • Service account for the User Management API (see the official docs)
  • Public/private keys for service account (see the official docs)

Installation and Use

The tool is packaged as a self-contained executable. See the latest release page to get the latest build for your platform. Releases are distributed as archives (.zip or .tar.gz). Each release file contains the UST executable.

Full installation instructions can be found here.

  • On Linux systems, the executable is named user-sync.
  • On Windows systems, the executable is named user-sync.exe.

After downloading and extracting the tool, verify the tool will work on your system:

  • $ ./user-sync --version (or > ./user-sync.exe --version)
  • $ ./user-sync --help (or > ./user-sync.exe --help)

There are a wide variety of command-line arguments; see the docs for details.


You will need a personalized User Sync configuration to use the tool effectively. The documentation includes a Setup and Success Guide that will take you step-by-step through the configuration process. In addition, the examples directory (also available as a tarball on the releases page) contains sample configuration files which include all of the possible options with their descriptions and default values.

Build Instructions

The general procedure to build the User Sync Tool is the same across platforms. However, each platform has its own set of prerequisites that must be met before following these instructions. Refer to the notes for your platform and return here to learn how to build the Sync Tool from source.

NOTE: Python 3.9 is required on all platforms.

  1. Clone this repository git clone
  2. Create a new Python 3.6 virtual environment python -m venv /path/to/venv (note: your system may prompt you to install additional packages before creating the virtual environment)
  3. Activate the environment source /path/to/venv/bin/activate (or .\path\to\venv\Scripts\activate on Windows)
  4. cd to the directory
  5. Install the Okta client wheel pip install external/okta-
  6. Install the Sign client pip install ./sign_client
  7. Install the sync tool locally
    1. pip install -e .
    2. pip install -e .[test]
    3. pip install -e .[setup]
  8. Create the build by running make

If the Sync Tool was built successfully, then the executable can be found in the dist/ directory. The binary will be named user-sync or user-sync.exe depending on platform.

Ubuntu and other Debian variants

NOTE: These prerequisites are known to work on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer, but should work on Debian and other Debian variants.

On Linux, many of the Sync Tool's dependencies are built from source and contain components written in C and other compiled languages. For this reason, it is necessary to install some system packages and libraries.

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y \
        software-properties-common build-essential \
        pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev \
        libdbus-glib-1-dev python-dbus \
        libffi-dev libkrb5-dev python3.9-dev python3-venv

CentOS and other RedHat variants

NOTE: These prerequisites are known to work on CentOS 7 or newer, but should work on Redhat Enterprise Linux and other Redhat variants.

On Linux, many of the Sync Tool's dependencies are built from source and contain components written in C and other compiled languages. For this reason, it is necessary to install some system packages and libraries.

yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y
yum install -y python36u-devel python36u-pip python36u-virtualenv
yum install -y python-devel python-pip python-virtualenv
yum install -y pkgconfig openssl-devel dbus-glib-devel dbus-python libffi-devel


On macOS there are a wide variety of ways to get current Python installations that don't interfere with the system-required Python, and a wide way of creating virtual environments for that Python. We strongly recommend using pyenv for installation and maintenance and pyenv-virtualenv for virtual environment support. And we recommend getting those via homebrew. The sequence for this is:

  1. Install the latest version of the Apple Developer Command Line Tools via xcode-select --install.
  2. Install Homebrew per the directions here.
  3. Install openssl via Homebrew: brew install openssl
  4. Install pyenv via Homebrew: brew install pyenv
  5. Install pyenv-virtualenv via Homebrew: brew install pyenv-virtualenv
  6. Find your desired Python version with: pyenv install --list
  7. Install that python with pyenv install ##, where ## is the desired version number.
  8. Create a virtual environment for your builds, with pyenv virtualenv ## myname.
  9. In your source directory, activate that virtual environment with pyenv local myname.

This sequence not only ensures that you are set up to do Python extension compiles, but also that they will know how to find the openssl libraries, and that you can easily install any other needed development libraries with Homebrew.

In general, regardless of how you get your Python, you will need:

  • The latest security updates.
  • The latest openssl (see above).
  • The latest version of XCode and/or the Developer Command Line Tools (see above).
  • Installs of modern openssl, ffi, and pkg-config libraries. With Homebrew, you can do:
    homebrew install pkg-config openssl libffi
  • To know how to include the XCode include directory in a compile spawned from pip install. If you didn't do a command line developer tools install (which puts the headers into /usr/include), you can do:
    • CFLAGS="-I$(xcrun --show-sdk-path) pip install ....
  • To know how to include a modern openssl header path in a pip install. If you installed your Python via Homebrew or pyenv, this is taken care of for you, see above. Otherwise, if you installed ssl with Homebrew, you can do:CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" pip install ....


NOTE: We recommend installing a Git client build that can be run from Windows Powershell or cmd.exe. Scoop provides a package to easily install Git natively. Build instructions are not guaranteed to work in Git Bash.

  • Python 3.6 (see for latest 3.6 release)
  • Chocolatey
  • Scoop (if you need to install Git)
  • GNU Make (install with Chocolatey - choco install make)
  • Git (if not installed) - scoop install git

If you already have some other version of Python installed, you will want to use the py tool to create the virtual environment.

> py -3.6 -m venv \path\to\venv

This ensures that the virtual environment is linked to the correct version of Python.

Once all Windows prerequisites are met, refer to the generic build instructions above to complete the build.