It helps you to configure and set up your required platform.
$ wget
$ chmod +x ./
$ sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ineed
$ sudo ineed --platform="magento" --version="2.3.6"
$ sudo ineed --platform="magento" --version="2.3.6" --configure-only
$ sudo ineed --platform="magento" --version="2.3.6" --install-only
- Its BETA version, be careful ;)
- Only supports Magento, Laravel is on its way.
- Nginx support is coming soon.
- SMTP, XDebug, Redis, RabbitMQ, Git and n98-magerun2 support will be introduced in next versions.
- Works on Ubuntu only (tested on bionic and focal versions).
- Separate instance for sample data installation will be introduced in next version.
- AWS service integrations will be introduced in coming versions.
DISCALIMER: This is made available for ease, therefore, not recommended for the production. I will not be responsible for any damage or lose of data under local nor under production environment ;)
Please contribute by sharing your ideas and/or report any bug you may encounter.