Google AdMob plugin for Cordova, Phonegap and Intel XDK ,support ios and android,support admob v1 and admob v2 ,Monetize your html5 app with one javascript line.api is easy to use.
admob phonegap plugin(admob cordova plugin) is built base on
- phonegap 3.4 or cordova 6.0
- admob ios sdk 7.14.0
- admob android sdk 9
- project home:
- project can been used with no limit
install with npm
npm install admob
cordova plugin add admob
use the cordova command
download the plugin ,then install with local location
cordova plugin add c:\phonegap-admob-plugin
or install cordova plugin online
cordova plugin add com.admob.plugin
use the phonegap command
download the plugin ,then install with local location
phonegap plugin add c:\phonegap-admob-plugin
use phonegap builder ,add config
<gap:plugin name="com-admob-plugin" version="5.3.1" source="npm"/>
init plugin after deviceready event
admob.initAdmob("admob banner ID","admob interstitial ID");//admob id format ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx
there are some banner size in admob.BannerSize,and you can create your own banner size that is available in admob platform. admob.Position hold all relation position const .
admob.showBanner(admob.BannerSize.BANNER,admob.Position.TOP_APP);//show banner at the top of app
and more you can set more param for admob such as test mode and is your app made for child.
var admobParam=new admob.Params();
//admobParam.extra={'keyword':"admob phonegame"};
you can put admob banner at absolute position as easy as relation position.
admob.showBannerAbsolute(admob.BannerSize.BANNER,0,70);//show banner at absolute position x 0,y 70
show admob Interstitial in phonegap,cordova or xdk application is the same step. cache Interstitial ,and then show it in onInterstitialReceive function or show it when your game over.
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onInterstitialReceive, onInterstitialReceive, false);//show in ad receive event fun need add receive listener
admob.cacheInterstitial();// load admob Interstitial
function onInterstitialReceive(message) {//show in ad receive event fun
function onGameOver(){//call this fun to show when game over
you can handler all native event of admob ,as onInterstitialReceive
all event type is in admob.Event
function onAdmobEvent (message) {
//do some on admob event
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobBannerDismiss, onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobBannerFailedReceive), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobBannerLeaveApplication), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobBannerPresent), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobBannerReceive), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobInterstitialDismiss), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobInterstitialFailedReceive), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobInterstitialLeaveApplication), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobInterstitialPresent), onAdmobEvent, false);
document.addEventListener(admob.Event.onAdmobInterstitialReceive), onAdmobEvent, false);
1.hide admob banner
2.test if Interstitial has loaded success
alert("admob Interstitial loaded");
3.for more usage ,ref to files in Example folder ,it is a good way to get start
- Admob sdk for ios used IDFA ,so remember to check up app service as ad.
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