This repo contains tools for listening and transmitting messages for the somfy curtains system. Smofy transmitts on 433.42Mhz and uses amplitude shift key for modulation (ASK/OOK), and encodes it with Manchester code.
- HackRF One
- Homemade antennas
- Install gnu radio companion
apt install gnuradio
- Install osmocom (hackrf one)
git clone
cd gr-gsm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
mkdir $HOME/.grc_gnuradio/ $HOME/.gnuradio/
make install
- Instal custom block
cd gr-trigger/build
make ../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
This part is used to control a curtain
When the address is known run
, it will run through the rolling code with an interval specefied. Example with command 2 (up) address 985e5c and invervall of 50 for the rolling code:
python2 -c 2 -a 985E5C -s 0000 -i 50
and generates a new test code every second and transmit it untill the next code is made. Depending on how large the rolling code is it will take between a few seconds upp till 15 minutes to "hack" a curtain.
This part is used to listen to other curtains and decode the messages they contain
In the folder sniffer/
, run python
, it will listen on 433.42Mhz and save one second of samples when it is triggered. The script saves samples in the same folder with extension ".dat". To decode the samples run ./ 2> /dev/null
, the script calls the
and pipes the output from the python script in to "log.txt". In the log file the decoded messages will be displayed with as rolling code, address and command.
Records on 433.42Mhz processes it with a threshold for high and low. Then saves it
Takes the recorded file and decodes the Manchestercoding, then de-obfuscation and check the checksum
Obfuscation the message calculates the checksum and encodes the message with Manchester and adds the preamble
Sends a message on 433.42Mhz
With this code we mananged to hack (our own) curtains to move up and down, we manage to control them from the ground about 100 meters away, and that with just a hackrf on and some (allot of) time :).
Recorded message with decoded edges (stars)
Recorded message over time
Comparison between different remotes, up/down