This is used for monitoring all metrics from Cassandra to ELK (ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana) Stack
#Overview Many organisation used cassandra as NoSQL database to handle large amount of data. so its necessary to monitor health of cassandra clusters. Cassandra is a famous NoSQL database and there is no any free monitoring tool available. ELK is a good solution for this and provide real time monitoring of clusters nodes.
#Key features
- Load on Cluster Nodes
- Process Status
- Input/output statistics
- Pending tasks
- Read latency
- Write latency
##cassandra-metrics-reporting.yaml This is the configuration file for metrics library of Cassandra. It emits the metrics to the file mentioned in the configuration. This is the file containing configuration for enabling the metrics library
##logstash-cassandra-metrics.conf This is the configuration file for logstash which takes file input and writes to ElasticSearch. This is the shell script which will parse the out file to form a JSON which then will be transferred to logstash