Second Project
Ruby on Rails Website
Findr Musician
##The Idea:
- As a musician, choosing to move to a new City can be a massive decision, as on average it takes around two years to get yourself known in the area - to build up a client base of students to teach, or to be asked to play in paid gigs.
- So I thought to myself - wouldn't it be good to have a website where students can register to find a music teacher for the instrument or instruments of their choice, and where music teachers can also register a profile so that they can be contacted by potential students and build up a client base that way.
- So this is why I have designed and created a web application called Findr Musician - and I would love to give you a demo of this now.
Searching for a music teacher.
##Technologies used:
In this project I have used HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Ruby and Rails.
##Approach taken:
- Brainstormed some possible ideas
- Made a plan using the chosen idea
- Created a Trello board outlining what needed to be done, and depending on their importance, the order in which they needed to be executed.
- Produced an ERD diagram, mapping out the models and their relationships with one another.
- Created wireframes using Balsamiq, displaying how I imagined the website and its various pages to look.
- I then created a few test projects. After setting up the first test without Devise, I created the second with a User model using Devise and a scaffolded Instrument and Lesson models.
- Then I tested the relationships in the Rails console.
- Once the basics of this was all working as expected, I created the main project, replicating the models created in the test.
- I installed the Foundation gem and added some basic HTML structure and SCSS styling.
- After this I concentrated on getting all the associations to work correctly.
- Once the majority of the functionality was working, I installed the Ransack gem to allow me to add search features to my app.
- I then went back to the styling - using Foundation to make the app look as good as possible.
- One of the main challenges I had was implementing the Ransack gem for the search features.
- Getting the students and teachers to see different information without using a Ruby GEM such as CanCan.
- Getting the delete and update user form to function correctly.
##If I had more time:
###There are a number of features I would have liked to have added or take further
I would have liked to add a calendar booking system - using the gem Bookable. Able to check the availability of the teacher when making a booking.
Create user roles and permissions using the Rolify and CanCan gems.
Search by Post Code - allowing you to find teachers closest to you.
Having a map with the location of your nearest teachers.
Added a photo uploader so that the users can upload their own image.
Create an online portal for teachers and students to communicate inbetween lessons - including online chat, and an area for notes/recommendations.
Add a rating/comments system to find the best teachers.
Create an online payment system for lessons - so that no payment has to be made at the lesson itself.
Add additional cities.
Add additional information to the profile pages of the teachers to help the students to decide who to have lessons with.
Refacter the code - make it dryer.
Plans to branch out/spin-offs - such as:
- Findr Plumber
- Findr Gardener
- Findr Window Cleaner