Module Outline: The module will consist of practical training and exercises in: Use and interpretation of modern statistical methods including General Linear Models, Generalised Linear Models and their application to biological problems. Use of the freeware R for general data handling, plotting and statistical data mining.
The whole repository can be downloaded here. This is the same as clicking on Clone or download
then Download zip
on this github page.
This repository includes the following sub-folders:
- Data : data files
- Instructions : documents accompanying day 3-5 lectures. Available as PDF, HTML and/or word. These documents are created in R using markdown (hence the .Rmd that can be open directly in RStudio).
- my_R_scripts: an empty folder in which to save your scripts created in the module
- Output: where the output of your scripts should go
- Plots: where the figures you produce should go
- Presentations: contains the presentation (as pptx, PDF or links to online html presentations)
- R: contains scripts already written for the exercises. try writing your own before running these.
This is also an example folder structure useful for staying organized when working on an R project. You can set up a similar structure automaticly.