This crawl program successfully aggregated Columbia course and related information as of Sunday, February 20, 2011. Columbia's data formats are subject to change, and I can not guarantee that this program will be compatible with future formats.
Questions, comments, and concerns should be directed at: Ryan Bubinski. ryanbubinski gmail com.
- Ruby 1.8.7>=
- MySQL 5.0>=
Before beginning, make sure you have Ruby 1.8.7 or later and MySQL 5.0 or later installed.
- Copy
- Complete the fields in
- run
gem install bundler
- run
bundle install
Once you've set up the application, run the app.rb file in the root directory to begin the crawling process.
HTTP requests are made in parallel using the Typhoeus gem.
Data is stored in a local database, which can be exported to a text file in SQL format using the command:
rake db:export
The result is stored in the local directory in a file named "data.sql"