This web application enables users to engage in live conversations within chat rooms. Any user has the ability to create a new chat room and share its unique code with multiple participants, who can then join the conversation using that code.
Realtime two-way communication is achieved through the utilization of web sockets. HTML, JS and Tailwind used for frontend and Flask for backend.
Test it out at:
Create Chat Rooms: Effortlessly establish new chat rooms and share the unique room code with multiple users for quick and convenient communication.
Realtime Communication: Enable seamless and instant two-way communication within the chat rooms using web sockets for a responsive and dynamic user experience.
User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and straightforward user interface, ensuring ease of use for all participants.
Containerized: Availabilty of Dockerfile for easy deployments in self-hosting environment ensuring privacy over your data.
- Clone the project to your local system using:
git clone
. - Build docker image by running this command:
docker build -t chatroom .
in project directory. - Run the container using
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 chatroom
- Maintain Message History
- UI Improvements
- Live Room Count
- Integrate DB for persistent storage
- Message Encryption
Youtube Demo Link:
Index Page Screenshot: