This project presents a very compact micro-templating solution created for learning purposes. It's currently under 180 bytes minified, 168 using a few other optimizations (see the end of the readme).
Unlike some of the more production-ready solutions out there that really need to factor in a rich API, microtemplatez provides developers an easily readable implementation that relies on regular expressions for parsing templates.
Examples are offered below that demonstrate how this solution can be used to address common templating problems and a tutorial that takes this work further is planned for the future.
Example: Script-tag based templating
<script type="text/micro" id="myTemplate">
<img src = "{{avatar}}" title = "{{username}}" alt = "{{username}}" />
<div class='info'>
<div class='realname'> {{realName}} </div>
<div class='age'> {{age}} </div>
<div class='lang'> {{language}} </div>
var markup = document.getElementById("myTemplate").innerHTML,
data = {
username: "addyosmani",
realName: 'Addy Osmani',
avatar: "http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1256987680/addyosmaniicon_reasonably_small.jpg",
age: 25
// Log the templated output or populate some an element
// on the page with it
console.log('Test:' + templatez(markup, data));
Example: Support for nested paths (ie x.y)
<script id="myTemplate" type="text/micro">
<div class='username'> {{username}} </div>
<div class="features"> {{features.hair}}, {{features.eyes}}, {{features.height}}</div>
var markup = $("#myTemplate").html(),
data = {
username: "addyosmani",
eyes: 'brown',
// Log the templated output or populate some an element
// on the page with it
console.log('Test:' + templatez(markup, data));
Example: Basic inline templating
var markup = "Test: I am a {{user.age}} year old {{user.sex}} from {{country}}",
data = {
country: "Ireland",
user: {
age: 25,
name: "Addy",
sex: "male"
console.log(templatez(markup, data));
Example: Templating an array of objects
var markup = "<li><b>{{Name}}</b> ({{ReleaseYear}})</li>",
template = "",
len = 0;
var movies = [{
Name: "The Red Violin",
ReleaseYear: "1998"
}, {
Name: "Eyes Wide Shut",
ReleaseYear: "1999"
}, {
Name: "The Inheritance",
ReleaseYear: "1976"
len = movies.length;
while(len--) {
template += templatez(markup, movies[len]);
console.log('Test:' + template);
Example: Templating JSON
var markup = "<li><b>{{Name}}</b> ({{ReleaseYear}}), Rating:{{Rating}}/5</li>",
template = "",
len = 0;
var jsonMovies = {
"movie1": {
"Name": "TheRedViolin",
"ReleaseYear": "1998",
"Rating": "3"
"movie2": {
"Name": "EyesWideShut",
"ReleaseYear": "1999",
"Rating" : "2.5"
"movie3": {
"Name": "TheInheritance",
"ReleaseYear": "1976",
"Rating": "3"
for(var item in jsonMovies){
template += templatez(markup, jsonMovies[item]);
console.log('Test:' + template);
#168-byte version
function t(a,b){return a.replace(RegExp("{{\\s*([a-z0-9_][\\.a-z0-9_]*)\\s*}}","gi"),function(a,c){var d=c.split("."),e=d.length,f=b,g=0;while(e--)f=f[d[e]];return f})}