Simple Java class to convert between geo and web mercator coordinates.
Update 2018 Feb: Updated Maven pom to compile and build Scala implicits. In addition, the output jar has the compact Scala version as a classifier.
Update 2017 Apr: Added Scala Double implicits to enable the conversion to/from web mercator values. For example:
import com.esri.webmercator._
val lon1 = -127.2
val lat1 = 45.6
val mercatorX = lon1 toMercatorX
val mercatorY = lat1 toMercatorY
val lon2 = mercatorX toLongitude
val lat2 = mercatorY toLatitude
Build the project using Maven
The following will install the Scala 2.10
mvn clean install
To install the Scala 2.11
version, specify the scala-2.11
mvn -Pscala-2.11 clean install
Build the project using SBT
sbt clean +publishM2 +publishLocal