A package to manipulate manifolds, for Torch7.
luarocks install manifold
-- package:
m = require 'manifold'
-- a dataset:
t = torch.randn(100,10) -- 100 samples, 10-dim each
-- basic functions:
ns = m.neighbors(t) -- return the matrix of neighbors for all samples (sorted)
ds = m.distances(t) -- return the matrix of distances (L2)
ts = m.removeDuplicates(t) -- remove duplicates from dataset
-- embeddings:
p = m.embedding.random(t, {dim=2}) -- embed samples into a 2D plane, using random projections
p = m.embedding.lle(t, {dim=2, neighbors=3}) -- embed samples into a 2D plane, using 3 neighbor (LLE)
p = m.embedding.tsne(t, {dim=2, perplexity=30}) -- embed samples into a 2D plane, using tSNE
Demos require gfx.js to be installed.
cd demos
th -x demo_swissroll.lua
th -x demo_tsne.lua
# (the -x flag starts the gfx server)
Below is an example of a t-SNE map produced on 5,000 MNIST digits by the demos/demo_tsne.lua