The Texas Geographic Information Office (TxGIO) website.
Django RESTful API and PostgreSQL backend database management system for maintaining and serving Texas GIO's available data and content.
ReactJS frontend web application for browsing, downloading, and inquiring about TNRIS public data and historical imagery.
GeoMoose 3 Development. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
Lambda S3 Services - Hosted raster tile services from AWS s3
Web Map for exploring the history of Texas lakes
NodeJS package.json dependency monitor for AWS Lambda functions to send email notifications when packages are out of date
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework. Maintained by the OpenWISP Project.
Go native library for fast point tracking and K-Nearest queries
Our starter template for immutable React applications with Redux.
Source for the TWDB 2012 Interactive State Water Plan
Web application for the 2017 Texas State Water Plan
ReactJS frontend web application for monitoring USGS/NWS flood gauges and river levels with SMS subscription availability