Releases: adafruit/Adafruit-SSD1351-library
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit-SSD1351-library
1.3.2 Bump version in
1.3.1 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
1.3.0 - Default 8MHz SPI Bus
- Removed the convoluted preproc logic that was attempting to set perboard SPI speeds in favor of conservative 8MHz for all.
1.2.8 - Corrected default SPI frequency for NRF52840
Bump to 1.2.8
1.2.7 - Added BusIO dependancy to
Bump to 1.2.7
Fixed issue with display being unstable on an ESP32
This release fixes an issue with display not being stable on ESP32s due the SPI bus speed being too high.
Fixed issue with display not work on an M0 processor
This release fixes an issue with display not work on M0 processors due the SPI bus speed being too high.
1.2.4 - SPI bugfix for Due, added docs badge
Thanks to @RykilthKnox for the bugfix :)
Moving to GitHub Actions for CI
This release moves Adafruit-SSD1351-library
to use GitHub actions for Continuous Integration as well as adding automated checks for formatting using clang-format
and automated documentation checks using Doxygen
Added enableDisplay Command and Fixed on Metro M4
This release fixes an issue where it would not work correctly on the Metro M4. It also adds the enableDisplay command along with an example.