SLICE is an algorithm that utilizes single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data to quantitatively measure cellular differentiation states based on single cell entropy and predict cell differentiation lineages via the construction of entropy directed cell trajectories.
Developed by Minzhe Guo
In R or RStudio, type the following command to install devtools
install.packages("devtools") library(devtools)
Then, use devtools to install SINCERA from github
Use library() to activate SINCERA
- A demonstration of using SLICE to reconstruct a two-branched lung fibroblast differentiation lineage from E16.5 mouse lung single cell data can be found at
- Minzhe Guo, Erik L. Bao, Michael Wagner, Jeffrey A. Whitsett, Yan Xu. 2016. SLICE: determing cell differentiation and lineage based on single cell entropy. Nucleic Acids Research. doi:10.1093/nar/gkw1278. (MG and ELB are co-first authors)