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Recipient Framework

This module provides a framework for managing recipients. It defines three class Recipient, RecipientManager and PythonRecipient. It also defines a metaclass RecipientMeta for the Recipient class.

Recipient is an abstract base class that defines the basic structure and methods for a recipient. It provides an interface for processing a message and an asynchronous processing method, along with a UUID generator for generating unique message IDs.

RecipientManager is a class that manages a registry of recipients. It allows users to register and unregister recipients by name, and provides an interface for accessing and retrieving registered recipients. The class also provides a property for listing all available recipients, along with their descriptions.

PythonRecipient is a class that provides an interface for processing Python code. It provides an asynchronous context manager for executing code in a separate thread, and an asynchronous processing method for processing messages.

RecipientMeta is a metaclass for the Recipient class. It sets the RECIPIENT_NAME attribute of the class to the name of the class, if the attribute is not already set.

Example usage

More detail on the usage of the recipient framework can be found in the ./tests/ file.

Defining a custom recipient

# Define a custom recipient by extending the Recipient base class
class CustomRecipient(Recipient):
    def process(self, message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict:
        # Custom message processing logic here
        return {
            "id": self._uuid(),
            "author": {
                "role": "tool",
                "name": self.RECIPIENT_NAME,
            "content": {"content_type": "text", "parts": ["success"]},
    async def aprocess(self, message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict:
        raise NotImplementedError("Please call the process method instead.")

# Create a recipient manager instance
manager = RecipientManager()
# Register the custom recipient with the manager using the __setitem__ method
manager["custom"] = CustomRecipient()

# Register the custom recipient with the manager using the @manager.register decorator
class AsyncCustomRecipient(CustomRecipient):
    async def aprocess(self, message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict:
        # Custom asynchronous message processing logic here
        return {
            "id": self._uuid(),
            "author": {
                "role": "tool",
                "name": self.RECIPIENT_NAME,
            "content": {"content_type": "text", "parts": ["success"]},

# Retrieve the custom recipient from the manager
custom_recipient = manager["custom"]
# Get a list of all available recipients
available_recipients = manager.available_recipients

How to use

... Assume that the cbt was configured correctly ...

# Register the recipient
cbt.recipients["python"] = PythonRecipient
# To get the recipient instance
python = cbt.recipients["python"]()

# Create API Docs
api_docs = f"""

Knowledge cutoff: 2021-09
Current date: {"%Y-%m-%d")}

###Available Tools:

# To notify the assistant that the recipient is ready
for _ in cbt.ask("You are ChatGPT." + api_docs):
result = {}

# Now, ask GPT to calculate 27! + 8! by using the python recipient
for _ in cbt.ask("Please calculate 27! + 8! by using python."):
    result = _

times = 0
# "end_turn" is a flag that indicates whether the GPT has finished the work.
# If the flag is False, it means that the GPT needs to use the recipient to help it.
# If the flag is True, it means that the GPT has finished the work.
while not result.get("end_turn", True):
    times += 1
    # Get the name of the recipient
    recipient_name = result["recipient"]
    # To avoid the endless loop.
    if times >= 3:

    # This process could be managed by a class, but I don't finish it yet.
    if recipient_name == "python":
        # To get the result of executing the code
        msg = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(

    # To send the result to the GPT
    for _ in cbt.post_messages([msg]):
        result = _

# Now the GPT has finished the work.
# The GPT will calculate 27! + 8! correctly.


A metaclass for the Recipient class. It sets the RECIPIENT_NAME attribute of the class to the name of the class, if the attribute is not already set.


  • __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, /, **kwargs)


The base class for recipients.


  • DESCRIPTION : str : A description of the recipient for humans.
  • API_DOCS : str : Documentation of the recipient for machines.
  • REQUIRED_ARGS : list : A list of required parameters.
  • EXAMPLE_MESSAGES : list : A list of example messages.
  • RECIPIENT_NAME : str : The name of the recipient. Defaults to the class name.


  • process(message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict : Process a message.
  • aprocess(message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict : Asynchronously process a message.


A class for managing recipients.


  • register(name: str) -> Callable[[Type[Recipient]], Type[Recipient]] : Decorator for registering a recipient to the manager.
  • __getitem__(name: str) -> Type[Recipient] : Get a recipient from the manager.
  • __setitem__(name: str, recipient_class: Type[Recipient]) : Register a recipient to the manager.
  • __delitem__(name: str) : Unregister a recipient from the manager.


  • available_recipients : dict[str, str] : A dictionary containing the available recipients.


A class for processing Python code.


  • DESCRIPTION : str : A description of the Python recipient for humans.
  • API_DOCS : str : Documentation of the Python recipient for machines.
  • RECIPIENT_NAME : str : The name of the Python recipient.


  • process(message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict : Not implemented. PythonRecipient is asynchronous only.
  • aprocess(message: dict, **kwargs: dict) -> dict : Asynchronously process a message. It will execute the code in the message in Tio.
  • _uuid() -> str : Generate a UUID.
  • __aenter__() -> PythonRecipient : Enter the PythonRecipient async context manager.
  • __aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None : Exit the PythonRecipient async context manager.