Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. This demo showcases how to incorporate Laravel Messenger into a project. It may also be used as a starting point for new projects!
- Laravel 9 + Jetstream
- Inertia (with vue3)
- Laravel Echo
- Laravel Messenger (with Pusher)
- Laratrust - User Roles/Permissions Mgmt
- Admin dashboard
- Client dashboard
Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.
- PHP (Backend)
- Laravel
- Jetstream
- Sanctum
- Chatmessenger
- Pusher PHP server
- Laratrust
- Laravel Inertia
- Vue (Frontend)
- Inertiajs + Vue v3
- Pinia (Better Vuex) - Store management
- Tailwind v3
- Dayjs
- Notiwind (toastr notifications)
- Vue Final Modal
- Vue Spinner (loading animations)
- axios
- Laravel Echo + Pusher-js
- Vue Virtual List - Performant rendering library for huge lists
- User Management
- View all users
- Add new user
- Edit user
- Delete user
- Settings
- View app environment configurations
- Messages
- Create a message
- Thread owners can delete a thread
- Admins can also delete a thread
- Thread owners and admins can manage a thread participants
- Mark all messages as read for a user
- Delete all threads/messages
- Push messages via Pusher
- Authentication and Authorization
- Protect routes via user roles/permissions
- Settings module limited to only the admin role
You can find a demo at Laravel 5,6,7,8,9 Messenger Demo using Inertia + Laravel Jetstream
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to AceLords via [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. Once purchased, you can literally build anything personal or commercial website you desire. However, please don't be that guy that re-distributes paid software products since you bought it; funds raised in this project help fund other open-source projects we offer free maintenance.
Some screenshots showcasing the different parts of the application.