Trie and HAT trie data structures for PHP.
- C++ 11
- PHP 7.3 or greater
- HAT Trie library (optional)
is part of the PECL registry. If you intend to install the module via PECL, the following directive should suffice:
$ pecl install php_trie
To install the extension via Git, type the following in a console of your choosing:
$ git clone <directory>
$ cd <directory>
$ phpize
$ ./configure --enable-php_trie
$ make && sudo make install
If you intend to use the HAT trie component of the module, you are going to need to install the HAT trie C++ library. The installation directives, with the said library installed become:
$ git clone <lib-dir>
$ git clone <directory>
$ cd <directory>
$ phpize
$ ./configure --enable-php_trie --with-hattrie="<lib-dir>"
$ make && sudo make install
Running the tests in the tests
directory is doable by running the following directive.
$ make test
Do not forget to enable the extension by adding
to yourphp.ini
Shown below is an example of Trie-specific creation, insertion, and deletion operations - akin to those performable on arrays.
$trie = Trie::fromArray([
'foo' => 'foo',
'bar' => 12,
'baz' => null,
if (!isset($trie['boom'])) {
$trie['boom'] = 'explode';
Please check out the examples directory for more sample material
class Trie implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable {
/* Methods */
public __construct();
public static fromArray( array $array ) : Trie;
public insert|offsetSet( string $key [, mixed $entry ] ) : bool;
public erase|offsetUnset( string $key ) : void;
public keyExists|offsetExists( string $key ) : bool;
public search|offsetGet( string $key ) : mixed;
public prefixSearch( string $prefix ) : Trie;
public filter( callable $predicate ) : Trie;
public map( callable $function ) : Trie;
public merge([ Trie $tries... ]) : Trie;
public size() : int;
public toArray() : array;
- Creates a new trie from a PHP hashtable
- Inserts a value in a trie
- Deletes a value from a trie
- Checks if a specified key exists in a trie
- Returns the value that corresponds to the specified key
- Returns a new HAT trie containing values that have a common arbitrary prefix
- Returns trie containing entries that conform to a specified predicate
- Applies a transformation function to each entry in a trie
- Merges multiple tries into a single one
- Outputs the size of a trie
- Outputs a trie as an array
class HatTrie implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable {
/* Constants */
const bool SHRINK = true;
const bool NO_SHRINK = false;
const double DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 8.0;
const int DEFAULT_BURST_THRESHOLD = 16384;
/* Methods */
public __construct( int $burstThreshold = HatTrie::DEFAULT_BURST_THRESHOLD [, double $loadFactor = HatTrie::DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR [, bool $shrink = HatTrie::NO_SHRINK ]] );
public static fromArray( array $array [, int $burstThreshold = HatTrie::DEFAULT_BURST_THRESHOLD [, double $loadFactor = HatTrie::DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR [, bool $shrink = HatTrie::NO_SHRINK ]]] ) : HatTrie;
public insert|offsetSet( string $key [, mixed $entry ] ) : bool;
public erase|offsetUnset( string $key ) : void;
public keyExists|offsetExists( string $key ) : bool;
public search|offsetGet( string $key ) : mixed;
public prefixSearch( string $prefix ) : HatTrie;
public longestPrefix( string $prefix ) : array;
public prefixErase( string $prefix ) : HatTrie;
public map( callable $function ) : HatTrie;
public filter( callable $predicate ) : HatTrie;
public fold( callable $function [, mixed $accumulator ] ) : mixed;
public merge([ HatTrie $tries... ]) : HatTrie;
public size() : int;
public toArray() : array;
This class is unusable without the HAT trie library.
- Transforms trie into a single value
- Erases all entries whose keys have a common arbitrary prefix
- Computes the longest match prefix and outputs the result as a hashtable
Load factor - A measure of the balance between speed and memory usage (lower load factor means greater iteration speed and a higher one means lower memory consumption)
Burst threshold - The maximum size of a bucket hash node before a burst (spawning of new node-parented trie buckets) occurs
Consider buying me a coffee if you appreciate the offerings of the project and/or would like to provide more impetus for me to continue working on it.