Functionality for mapping SPARQL result sets to Pydantic models.
The rdfproxy.SPARQLModelAdapter
class allows to run a query against an endpoint and map a flat SPARQL query result set to a potentially nested Pydantic model.
The result is returned as a Page
The following example query
select *
where {
values (?gnd ?authorName ?educatedAt ?workName ?work ?viaf) {
(119359464 'Schindel' UNDEF 'Gebürtig' <> UNDEF)
(115612815 'Geiger' 'University of Vienna' 'Der alte König in seinem Exil' <> 299260555)
(115612815 'Geiger' 'University of Vienna' 'Der alte König in seinem Exil' <> 6762154387354230970008)
(115612815 'Geiger' 'University of Vienna' 'Unter der Drachenwand' <> 2277151717053313900002)
(1136992030 'Edelbauer' 'University of Vienna' 'Das flüssige Land' <> UNDEF)
(1136992030 'Edelbauer' 'University of Applied Arts Vienna' 'Das flüssige Land' <> UNDEF)
retrieves the result set:
gnd | nameLabel | educated_atLabel | work_name | work | viaf |
119359464 | Schindel | Gebürtig | | ||
115612815 | Geiger | University of Vienna | Der alte König in seinem Exil | | 299260555 |
115612815 | Geiger | University of Vienna | Der alte König in seinem Exil | | 6762154387354230970008 |
115612815 | Geiger | University of Vienna | Unter der Drachenwand | | 2277151717053313900002 |
1136992030 | Edelbauer | University of Vienna | Das flüssige Land | | |
1136992030 | Edelbauer | University of Applied Arts Vienna | Das flüssige Land | |
The result set can be mapped to a nested Pydantic model like so:
from typing import Annotated
from fastapi import FastAPI, Query
from pydantic import BaseModel
from rdfproxy import ConfigDict, Page, QueryParameters, SPARQLBinding, SPARQLModelAdapter
class Work(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(group_by="name")
name: Annotated[str, SPARQLBinding("workName")]
viafs: Annotated[list[str], SPARQLBinding("viaf")]
class Author(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(group_by="surname")
gnd: str
surname: Annotated[str, SPARQLBinding("authorName")]
works: list[Work]
education: Annotated[list[str], SPARQLBinding("educatedAt")]
adapter = SPARQLModelAdapter(
The SPARQLModelAdapter.query
method runs the query and constructs a Page
object which can then be served over a FastAPI route:
app = FastAPI()
def base_route(query_parameters: Annotated[QueryParameters, Query()]) -> Page[Author]:
return adapter.query(query_parameters)
This results in the following JSON output:
"name":"Der alte König in seinem Exil",
"name":"Unter der Drachenwand",
"University of Vienna"
"name":"Das flüssige Land",
"University of Vienna",
"University of Applied Arts Vienna"