This project was created to provide a signalling server for the multiplatform desktop app Chattaranga and it has been deployed here.
The server involves websockets (through the library to provide the bi-directional communication between clients, webRTC (through the library PeerJS) to provide the video/audio communication between clients and both served over an ExpressJS server.
To run the server locally, just clone this project and run npm start
or if you would like to use it, you can use the deployed version at the provided url.
To be able to connect to the service, you need to connect to the root endpoint, accepting two different emitters: 'connect_to_room' and 'disconnect_from_room'. Both accepting a profile object containing a username and a room where the client will be connected. The clients will discover each other just if they are connected in the same room.
For the peerJS service, you will need to connect to the endpoint root/api.