This project contains command-line tools (bash scripts) for accessing features from a Cloudfier (git repository) server.
JEE: (generated code)
JSE: (generated code)
This project allows generating code (and running tests) from example applications deployed to the Cloudfier server.
In order to try it on your own machine (for the JavaEE target platform, specified as 'jee'):
git clone
cd codegen-examples
./ jee car-rental
./ jee car-rental
which will generate the car-rental example application as currently deployed by the 'test' Cloudfier user (the default user).
If you want to run it against your own application deployed on Cloudfier:
./ jee <your-app> <your-cloudfier-user> <your-app-base-path>
./ jee <your-app>
For instance (for a Cloudfier user named 'johndoe', an application named 'crm', stored in the user's Cloudfier workspace under the directory 'my-projects'):
./ jee crm johndoe my-projects
./ jee crm
Note this requires your Cloudfier application not to be directly under the root path, but at least a level below (such as my-projects/crm in the case above).
Finally, see at the top of this document the status for all target platforms supported. Note that a platform is likely to have additional environmental requirements (JavaSE/JavaEE requires Java 8 and Maven, Mean requires a MongoDB database and npm to be installed etc).