Sofra is a mobile application for multi restarurants and there customers and this is the backend part . So Customer can make orders , track order status , reviw restaurants , search for restaurnats .... Restaurant Can manage it's orders , Commissions , Meals to sell ....
This project consist of :
- Comprihansive API for Mobile application built using PHP , Laravel , MySql , Eloquent ORM .
- Admin Dashboard .
- Multi Auth usning (Sanctum)
- Role and Permisssion Managment For admins
- Notification using FCM channels
- Client Managment Services
- Orders Managment Services
- Restaurants Managment Services
- Meals Managment Services
- Offers Managment Services
- Reviews and Ratting Managment Services
- Admin Managment Services
- Commissions Managment Service
- Comprihansive Dashboard
- Repository Desing Pattern
- Here is the Design :
- prerequisites:
-Laravel v11
-PHP v8.2^
- clone the project :
git clone
cd Sofra
Serve project :
- Laravel Herd : open as site then visit sofra.text
- or put project of main dir of XAMPP then visit localhost/
install Dependencies :
composer install
- set the .env file ( copy from example)
copy env.example into .env file
Then for Usage :
set your DB configration
Built DB tables
php artisan migrate
- Laravel v11
- PHP v8.2
- Spatie v6
- laravel-notification-channels
- MySql
- Eloquent ORM
- Mailtrap for Mails