Overview Frontend Backend CLI DevOps
Based on the standard Nest CLI generated API, with the following customizations and enhancements:
- JWT Authentication
- Roles base Authorization
- MongoDB Migration System: A NestJS based Mongo migrations system. Uses DB to track migration state. As such works well in cloud and container environment where local file-based state is not guaranteed across deployments
- Logger Service: Production grade Logger, leveraging Winston
- Configuration Service: Strongly typed production-grade configuration system. Centralizes configuration and leverages both .env and fast and flexible ts object literal based configuration
- e2e Testing: e2e testing of controllers and services, including exercising of authentication and authorization
This project uses Yarn Workspaces and Lerna to install and run multiple sub-repos from a single command. See the DevOps README for instructions on how to install and run this application.
View api endpoint at: http://localhost:3000
- Navigate to /backend, then run the following command:
# e2e tests
$ yarn run e2e-with-docker
Further details on each of the systems contained in this project can be found via the following links: