PHP extension that implements H3 library bindings in OOP style
- PHP:
- H3 Library:
use H3\GeoCoord;
use H3\H3Index;
use function H3\compact as h3_compact;
use function H3\edge_length;
$h3 = new H3Index(0x881196404bfffff);
// or
$h3 = H3Index::fromLong(0x881196404bfffff);
// or
$h3 = H3Index::fromString('881196404bfffff');
// or
$h3 = H3Index::fromGeo(geo: new GeoCoord(lat: 50.00572553034654, lon: 36.229191466601634), res: 8);
$resolution = $h3->getResolution(); // 8
$kRing = $h3->kRing(k: 3); // H3Index[]
$kRingCount = count($kRing); // 37
$compacted = h3_compact($kRing); // H3Index[]
$compactedCount = count($compacted); // 19
$parentString = $h3->toParent(res: 5)->toString(); // "85119643fffffff"
$edgeLength = edge_length(res: 8, unit: H3_LENGTH_UNIT_M); // 461.3546837
git clone
cd h3
git checkout v3.7.2
make -j "$(nproc)"
sudo make install
git clone
cd h3-php
sudo make install
C | PHP |
geoToH3() | H3\H3Index::fromGeo() |
h3ToGeo() | H3\H3Index::toGeo() |
h3ToGeoBoundary() | H3\H3Index::toGeoBoundary() |
C | PHP |
h3GetResolution() | H3\H3Index::getResolution() |
h3GetBaseCell() | H3\H3Index::getBaseCell() |
stringToH3() | H3\H3Index::fromString() |
h3ToString() | H3\H3Index::toString() |
h3IsValid() | H3\H3Index::isValid() |
h3IsResClassIII() | H3\H3Index::isResClassIII() |
h3IsPentagon() | H3\H3Index::isPentagon() |
h3GetFaces() | H3\H3Index::getFaces() |
maxFaceCount() | - |
C | PHP |
kRing() | H3\H3Index::kRing() |
maxKringSize() | - |
kRingDistances() | H3\H3Index::kRingDistances() |
hexRange() | H3\H3Index::hexRange() |
hexRangeDistances() | H3\H3Index::hexRangeDistances() |
hexRanges() | H3\H3Index::hexRanges() |
hexRing() | H3\H3Index::hexRing() |
h3Line() | H3\line() H3\H3Index::getLineTo() |
h3LineSize() | - |
h3Distance() | H3\distance() H3\H3Index::getDistanceTo() |
experimentalH3ToLocalIj() | H3\experimental_h3_to_local_ij |
experimentalLocalIjToH3() | H3\experimental_local_ij_to_h3 |
C | PHP |
h3ToParent() | H3\H3Index::toParent() |
h3ToChildren() | H3\H3Index::toChildren() |
maxH3ToChildrenSize() | - |
h3ToCenterChild() | H3\H3Index::toCenterChild() |
compact() | H3\compact() |
uncompact() | H3\uncompact() |
maxUncompactSize() | - |
C | PHP |
polyfill() | H3\polyfill() |
maxPolyfillSize() | - |
h3SetToLinkedGeo() | H3\h3_set_to_multi_polygon() |
destroyLinkedPolygon() | - |
C | PHP |
h3IndexesAreNeighbors() | H3\indexes_are_neighbors H3\H3Index::isNeighborTo() |
getH3UnidirectionalEdge() | H3\H3Index::getUnidirectionalEdge() |
h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid() | H3\UniEdge::isValid() |
getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge() | H3\UniEdge::getOrigin() |
getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge() | H3\UniEdge::getDestination() |
getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge() | H3\UniEdge::getIndexes() |
getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon() | H3\H3Index::getUnidirectionalEdges() |
getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary() | H3\UniEdge::getBoundary() |
C | PHP |
degsToRads() | H3\degs_to_rads() |
radsToDegs() | H3\rads_to_degs() |
hexAreaKm2() | H3\hex_area() |
hexAreaM2() | H3\hex_area() |
cellAreaM2() | H3\H3Index::getCellArea() |
cellAreaRads2() | H3\H3Index::getCellArea() |
edgeLengthKm() | H3\edge_length() |
edgeLengthM() | H3\edge_length() |
exactEdgeLengthKm() | H3\UniEdge::getLength() |
exactEdgeLengthM() | H3\UniEdge::getLength() |
exactEdgeLengthRads() | H3\UniEdge::getLength() |
numHexagons() | H3\num_hexagons() |
getRes0Indexes() | H3\get_res0_indexes() |
res0IndexCount() | - |
getPentagonIndexes() | H3\get_pentagon_indexes() |
pentagonIndexCount() | - |
pointDistKm() | H3\point_dist() |
pointDistM() | H3\point_dist() |
pointDistRads() | H3\point_dist() |
All contents of this package are licensed under the MIT license.