This is a set of standard config files including git, bash, ack. It works by cloning the repository into a folder and setting up soft links.
- Clone the repository into ~/dotfiles/
- Create soft links from your home directory to the files in the repository
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_includes ~/.bash_profile_includes
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/netrc ~/.netrc
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/ackrc ~/.ackrc
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/inputrc ~/.inputrc
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/irbrc ~/.irbrc
- Color prompt that displays git branch
- Color output from git diff
- Adds coffeescript extension as a type
- ignores ruby mine project directories
- Added a variety of git aliases
- Assigned mergetool to diffmerge
- Allow up and down arrow to search history based on what's already typed. rvm only shows history entries starting with rvm.
- Add wirble, some printing functionality, and some other coloring support to irb
This is a copy of dimroc's 'resources' repository.