Tools to convert the DokuWiki syntax to Markdown syntax.
Please note it has some specific Liquibase regular expressions in scripts/DocuwikiToMarkdownExtra.php
<del> is replaced by `<del>`. It should re replaced by <strike> - without the `` wrap
\\ should be replaced by 4 spaces and a line break
Links should be encapsulated by <>
bullets (like * or -) should have no spaces in front of them, and only one after
rowspans (:::) in tables are not supported
colspans aren't supported either, due to limitations in Markdown syntax - instead, empty cells will be inserted
Place a file in the input dir, and run:
php convert.php input/myfile.txt
This will convert your file, and place a
next to your file.
scp -P 2222 -r <username>@myserver:/sites/mysite/www/assets/data/pages/* input/
cd scripts
php Translate.php ../input <../output> < template.txt>
- if output is not supplied it will print the conversion to stdout
- at the moment it only prepends the content of the template to each file it converts.
The script will generate Markdown code for images. Notes:
- As Markdown doesn't support resizing, the images are always shown full size!
- The script doesn't copy image files; it just creates image links. It is up to the user to copy the images from DokuWikis
directory to the directory containing the Markdown file(s). Eg.:
cp -rp /srv/www/wiki/htdocs/data/media/. ../output/
- This project was forked from the SilverStripe Documentation Restructuring Project and was edited to add some extra functionality by ludoza.
- It has subsequently been forked from ludoza's fork by titledk with the aim of creating a common way to export dokuwiki files to markdown (which is what we need in our 2013 restructuring here at
- Alexander Skwar forked it from Martin de la Iglesia's fork and added support for image links in 2017. Indented code blocks are now working again as well.