just a console app in Spring boot.. consuming 2 REST apis, based on given arguments
- Import the project in your IDE (i've used IntelliJ to develop this)
- Run following command from your terminal window mvn package && java -jar -Dapi=imdb -DsearchTerm='star wars' target/ConsoleSearch-1.0.jar
And you'll see some nice output :)
- -Dapi is currently serves to 'imdb' and 'album' values only
- -DsearchTerm can be anything, just make sure if it is multiple words, they are within single inverted commas ('...')
- Some examples to get you started with: -DsearchTerm for movies : 'star wars', 'hidalgo', 'dollars', 'james bond' -DsearchTerm for albums : evolve, 'moves like jagger', 'On a day like today', 'pho'
if you don't provide -Dapi or -DsearchTerm, you'll get corresponding messages on terminal window as these are mandatory. APIs used are free from any API key or OauthTokens, Movie details are restricted i.e. director details are not available from the consumed API.