This is built to solve my own problem.
I don't want to log in to everyday and browse for apartments every time so I do what engineers do best and spend 30-40 hours to build an automation that saves me 30mins / day.
- Has express server, that launches the scrapper file (
) - Scrapper goes to
- Gets the list of listings from the first page ( listings from next pages already have 20-30 messages so it doesn't benefit me)
- Saves the listings to a json file, which is overwritten every 10 mins so I have the latest listings in memory.
Why Telegram ? I generally open it the most out of my mobile apps and I feel if I have the information there I will be faster to act on it
- Pupeeteer
- Telegram API ( Bot )
( so I can communicate with the scrapper asynchronously through my telegram bot )
: The main branch which has the working codedev
: The development branch where I will be adding new features and testing them before merging to main- Other branches are feature branches which I will be creating and merging to dev
before merging to main
While I wanted to solve my own problem I learned a lot of things in the process
- Web Scrapping : Its really interesting how you can get data from sites that you want for your own use and you dont have an api
- Pupeeter : First time using it and its really cool how you can automate browser actions using nodejs
- Telegram bot api : The docs and the community is really helpful and I was able to get it up and running in a few hours
My Friends want to use this for thier own search so I want to
- I want to find a free vps so I can host it to the cloud ( right now I run it as a docker image in my PC, technically its free as I dont disconnect it from power or internet )
- Have a file rotation that ensures no duplicate listings and better experience
- Enable logging so I can debugg it easily
- far fetched idea is to try and save cookies of login ( and send message to owner within telegram which makes a http request and the owner receives the message.
- Support multiple users, and ensure my asychronous code is able to handle that