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Repository containing code for CI/CD Pipeline: Exploring Jenkins Pipelines - an example delivery flow


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Hands on with CI/CD with Jenkins Pipeline


Jenkins is, fundamentally, an automation engine which supports a number of automation patterns. Pipeline adds a powerful set of automation tools onto Jenkins, supporting use cases that span from simple continuous integration to comprehensive CD pipelines. By modeling a series of related tasks, users can take advantage of the many features of Pipeline:

Code: Pipelines are implemented in code and typically checked into source control, giving teams the ability to edit, review, and iterate upon their delivery pipeline.

Durable: Pipelines can survive both planned and unplanned restarts of the Jenkins master.

Pausable: Pipelines can optionally stop and wait for human input or approval before continuing the Pipeline run.

Versatile: Pipelines support complex real-world CD requirements, including the ability to fork/join, loop, and perform work in parallel.

Extensible: The Pipeline plugin supports custom extensions to its DSL [1] and multiple options for integration with other plugins.


The aim of this lab is to demonstrate how to you provisining environment and application deployment in a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) process using docker containers and Jenkins Pipeline respectively.

The infrastucture Architecture

The tools used to create the examples for this lab are:

  • Docker to create infrastructure for this lab
  • SonarQube for code quality analysis to the CI/CD process.
  • Maven to set and deploy the Java project.
  • GIT for source code management and control
  • JFrog Artifactory is the repository for artifact binaries and docker images.
  • Jenkins to orchestrate the CI/CD pipeline flow.

Pipeline flow

Now let's explore the CI/CD pipeline flow built for this lab.

Hands On!!

Login to Jenkins Dashboard

You can skip this section if you are using your own Jenkins Dashboard.

Configure Jenkins

  • ^Add your Github Credentials
  • ^Add your JFrog Artifactory credentials
  • ^Add Docker Server
  • ^Configure Maven
  • ^Add SonarQube in Conguration

Creating the Pipeline

Navigate to left panel and click on New Item. Enter a unique job name and select Pipeline to create a pipeline job. Hit OK!

Stage 1: Prepare environment and pull code from GitHub

Next it will take to you to job configuration page, you need to configure your job with SCM.

  • Copy your GitHub Repository link or if you are using this lab use:
  • Go back to your Job and under Pipeline configuration do the following steps
    1. Definition: select Pipeline script from SCM

    2. SCM: Select Git

      1. Repositories URL:
      2. Credentials: Select your SCM credentials
      3. Additional Behavious: ^To be added
      4. Make sure you have your Script Path as Jenkinsfile
      5. Save all the changes
    3. Build your job

Stage 2: Build your code through Pipeline

This stage consists of following steps

  • Build project with Maven Build and create snapshot artifact
  • Create a project Snapshot
stage('Build') {
        withMaven(maven: 'Maven 3') {
            dir('app') {
                sh 'mvn clean package'
                dockerCmd 'build --tag .'

Stage 3: Deploy snapshot image to test environment

This stage consists of following steps

  • Deloy the snapshot image in Test Envirnoment
stage('Deploy @ Test Envirnoment') {
       dir('app') {
              dockerCmd 'run -d -p 9999:9999 --name "snapshot" --network="host"'

Stage 4: Perform Tests

This stage consists of following steps

  • Perform Test with on snapshot image deployed in previous stage
  • Perform Maven based tests
  • And finally archive the artifacts
stage('Perform Test'){
       try {
           dir('tests/rest-assured') {
               sh 'chmod a+rwx gradlew'
               sh './gradlew clean test'
       } finally {
           junit testResults: 'tests/rest-assured/build/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
           archiveArtifacts 'tests/rest-assured/build/**'

       dockerCmd 'rm -f snapshot'
       dockerCmd 'run -d -p 9999:9999 --name "snapshot" --network="host"'

       try {
           withMaven(maven: 'Maven 3') {
               dir('tests/bobcat') {
                   sh 'mvn clean test -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true'
       } finally {
           junit testResults: 'tests/bobcat/target/*.xml', allowEmptyResults: true
           archiveArtifacts 'tests/bobcat/target/**'

      dockerCmd 'rm -f snapshot'
       dockerCmd 'stop zalenium'
       dockerCmd 'rm zalenium'

Stage 5: Push snapshot artifacts and images to JFrog artifactory

This stage consists of following steps

  • Upload snapshot artifacts to JFrog Artifactory
  • Upload snapshot images to JFrog Artifactory
stage('Push Snapshots to Artifactory'){
      // Create an Artifactory server instance:
      def server = Artifactory.server('abhaya-docker-artifactory')
      def uploadSpec = """{
   "files": [
   	"pattern": "**/*.jar",
   	"target": "ext-snapshot-local/"
      // Create an Artifactory Docker instance. The instance stores the Artifactory credentials and the Docker daemon host address:
      def rtDocker = Artifactory.docker server: server, host: "tcp://<docker server>:2375"
      // Push a docker image to Artifactory (here we're pushing hello-world:latest). The push method also expects
      // Artifactory repository name (<target-artifactory-repository>).
      def buildInfo = rtDocker.push '', 'docker-snapshot-images'

      //Publish the build-info to Artifactory:
      server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo
       //  dockerCmd 'login -u admin -p <pwf>'
       //dockerCmd 'push'

Stage 6: Wait for Approval

^to be added

Stage 7: Release and Push releases to JFrog

This stage consists of following steps

  • Once approved Prepare the snapshot for release
  • And push relesease artifact and image into JFrog Artifactory
stage('Release') {
       withMaven(maven: 'Maven 3') {
           dir('app') {
               releasedVersion = getReleasedVersion()
               withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'github', passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'username')]) {
                   sh "git config [email protected] && git config abha10"
                   sh "mvn release:prepare release:perform -Dusername=${username} -Dpassword=${password}"
               dockerCmd "build --tag${releasedVersion} ."
   stage('Push image and Artifact Releases to Artifactory'){
      // Create an Artifactory server instance:
      def server = Artifactory.server('abhaya-docker-artifactory')
      def uploadSpec = """{
   "files": [
   	"pattern": "**/*.jar",
   	"target": "ext-release-local/"
      // Create an Artifactory Docker instance. The instance stores the Artifactory credentials and the Docker daemon host address:
      def rtDocker = Artifactory.docker server: server, host: "tcp://"
      // Push a docker image to Artifactory (here we're pushing hello-world:latest). The push method also expects
      // Artifactory repository name (<target-artifactory-repository>).
      def buildInfo = rtDocker.push "${releasedVersion}", 'docker-release-images'

      //Publish the build-info to Artifactory:
      server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo
       //  dockerCmd 'login -u admin -p <pwf>'
       //dockerCmd 'push'

Stage 8: Deploy release to production environment

This stage consists of following steps

  • Finally deploy your release into production environment
stage('Deploy @ Prod') {
       dockerCmd "run -d -p 9999:9999 --name 'production'${releasedVersion}"


Repository containing code for CI/CD Pipeline: Exploring Jenkins Pipelines - an example delivery flow







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  • Java 64.7%
  • CSS 32.8%
  • JavaScript 1.8%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%