- The steps below were successfully tested using:
- Terraform (0.14.4)
- Go to url
- Export these variables
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2"
The quickest way to override the variables (Emails, Services, Budget Limits) with experimental changes is to copy vars.tf to the override terraform file.
For more on overriding variables Go to url
cp vars.tf _override.tf
- Add email addresses as needed.
variable "emails" {
description = "List of emails"
type = list(string)
default = ["[email protected]"]
Example using EC2 and S3 services. You can add other services specified in service.tf.
variable "account_budget_limit" {
type = string
default = "20.0"
variable "services" {
default = {
EC2 = {
budget_limit = "10.0"
S3 = {
budget_limit = "5.0"
Note: Terraform creates some folders and files to maintain the state. Use ls -a aws
# This will install the aws terraform provider.
terraform init
# Validate the config
terraform validate
# View what is going to be created. The plan.
terraform plan
# This will create the budgets
terraform apply
#To view:
terraform show
#To destroy:
terraform destroy