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This is my first angluar app that is build when I start learning angular.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.1.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

Few Usefull commands to know in angular

Run ng new app-name cmd to create angular project using cli

Run ng serve to start or compile your project like npm start in react then goto localhost:4200 to check your server runing.

Run ng serve --open to compile and open your project automatically in the browser.

Generate your component by cli using command line

Run ng generate component comp-name to generate folder of component with necessary component files this will create folder in your app folder by default and through manually you have to import and add in app.module.ts declaration but through cmd line its add automatically into app.module file

Run ng g c comp-name through shortcut command which do the same as above command.

Run ng g c recipes --skipTests=true here --skipTests=true prevent the creation of a testing file if you don't need with generated component

Run ng g c recipes/recipeList --skipTests=true to create new comp in sub folder

Angular Concepts

You have to add template in your component either is inline template or external using templateURL but you have atleast one type type of template in your component on the other hand selector and styleURLs dont have to be present in order to run or compile component they are optional

here in styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] it takes array of styles so that's now we can add multiple styles in stylesURL array separated by commas

Selector name must be unique for a component so it can not override other file etc

Selectors are not limited to select by element name but selector can be just like in css you can select element by attribut so selector can be select by attribute

this is the example of selector by element name selector:'app-server'

this is the example of selector by attribute name selector:'[app-server]' <div app-servers></div>

select by class name selector: '.app-servers' <div class="app-servers"></div>

selector by id and sudo selectors like hover and so on won't work because angular don't support them you typically you these element selector but their might be some cases where you need to use different selectors

Data Binding (4 Forms)

the communication between your typescript code (Business Login) and your template(Html) what the user sees

For Output Data We use

  1. String Interpolation ({{data}})
  2. Property Binding ([property]="data")

e.g here disable is bind through property binding that get update dynamically on the bases of allowNewServer boolean value <button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled="!allowNewServer">Add Server</button>

For React to user Events We use

  1. Event Binding ((event)="expression") means execute code when ever event like onClick occurs

e.g of click event binding <button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!allowNewServer"(click)="onCreateServer()">Add Server</button>

passing Data in Event Binding function using $event ($event will simply be the data emitted with that event) e.g of click event binding with data getting in function params <input type="text" class="form-control" (input)="onUpdateServerName($event)"> here input event provide by DOM and it gives some data when emit this "input event"

Additional form of data Binding where we combine both the directions

  1. Two-Way-Binding ([(ngModel)]="data") where we are able to react events and output somethings at the same time

e.g: <input type="text" class="form-control" [(ngModel)]="serverName"> in order to use ngModel in our component we have to import FormsModule from @angular/forms and added into imports array in app.module.ts file

function handler name start with on make sence that it is the event binding hander like onChangeHandler so best practice is to start these function name with "on"


Directives are Intructions in the DOM!

Template Directives


  1. @Components are kind of instructions in the DOM Instructing angular to add the content of comp template and business login in typescript code in this place where we use the selector these are directives but directive with a

2. Structural Directives (that starts with *)

  1. ngIf
  2. ngFor

e.g <p *ngIf="serverCreated">Server was created server name is {{serverName}}</p> here server created is a bool value or variable

else case in *ngIf <p *ngIf="serverCreated; else noServer" >Server was created server name is {{serverName}}</p><ng-template#noServer><p>No server was created!</p></ng-template>

*ngFor is also a structural directives which loop through array of element e.g <app-server *ngFor="let server of servers"></app-server> here servers is array

e.g of ngFor with index <div *ngFor="let logItem of log; let i=index" [ngStyle]="{backgroundColor:i>=4?'blue':'yellow'}" [ngClass]="{'white':i>=4}">{{logItem}}</div>

3. Attribut Directives

there are 2 attribute directives

  1. ngStyle 2. ngClass

<p [ngStyle]="{background:getColor()}">{{'Server'}Idis {{serverId}} and status is {{getServerStatus()}</p>

here ngStyle is attribut directive which allow us to dynamically assign styles

similar ngClass allow us to dynamically add or remove css classes ngClass objects has key value pairs key are the class name and values are conditions where this class should be attach or not

e.g [ngClass]="{online:serverStatus==='online' }" these are also added like property binding but in javascript objects on the right hand side


This is my first angluar app that is build when I start learning angular.






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