A scalable architecture to deploy containerized apps into AWS Elastic Container Service using CDKTF.
- Customizable via
- Can use default VPC or creates a dedicated one
- Codepipeline automatically pushes new docker images from ECR to ECS
- Blue/Green ECS deployment
- Auto Scaling on ECS
- Optional Serverless Aurora Database
- Database password is stored in SSM parameter store and passed as environment variable to ECS
- EFS Disk is included in case files need to be shared across instances (e.g. WordPress sites)
- Folders can be be deployed automatically to EFS by uploading Zip files into S3 bucket
- Slack notifications
- Backup plan for EFS files into a separate region
- Terraform CLI
- NodeJS >= 16
npm install -g cdktf-cli
npm install
npm run get
aws configure
npm run deploy
npm run destroy