This project connects a Kerberized Impala cluster from Node.js application using JDBC (node-jdbc).
You would need to generate a keytab file from the Kerberized environment to authenticate against Kerberos. If you are not using Kerberos, set AuthMech=NoSasl in the connection string. Also, a 'gss-jaas.conf' file is required. It contains the login authentication configurations.
Once keytab has been generated, update the path in 'gss-jaas.conf' to point to the generated keytab.
Now run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
The tests folder contains the various unit tests and would help in understanding the implementation of the code.
Note: An error might be encountered while npm tries to run node-gyp command during jdbc install.
If that is the case, run:
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm install --global node-gyp
Note: node-java-bridge module must be able to find the javac.exe executable. JDK1.8 is recommended, 1.7 might work too. Point JAVA_HOME to JDK folder. Also, the module checks the registry for java development kit. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE must have a JavaSoft key under SOFTWARES under which Java development Kit key must be present, which itself should contain a key with name similar to the version of JDK installed.
So, for eg. the registry should look something like this:
|-- JavaSoft
|-- Java Development Kit
|-- 1.8
|-- JavaHome: <Path to JDK> (This is string value)
|-- MicroVersion: 0 (String Value)
|-- 1.8.0_91
|-- INSTALLDIR: <Path to JDK> (String Value)
Happy Hacking!