- pkg contain the module that solve the number range assignment, the main logic is in pkg/numrange/numrange.go. There are a number of unit test in pkg/numrange/numrange_test.go to verify the range processing algorithm.
- cmd/resolveRange - command line application that could take range list as input and output the processed result by using
, example described below - cmd/restAPI - a tiny web service that could be used to interact with range processing algorithm, example described below.
- Justfile - make it easier to run build/test/lint
- .github/workflows/go.yml - CI control file for github Actions
- bin/ - place to store build artifacts.
- .golangci.yml - lint rules
This start a restapi server that could process the ranges:
docker run -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/aaronsuns/assignment/restapi:latest
Test with:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"includes":["200-600","10-100","400-500"],"excludes":["410-420","95-205","100-150"]}' http://localhost:8080/process
golangci-lint run --timeout 1m
Or use just file
just lint
# Run all test
go test ./...
# Run one test
go test ./... -run TestExample2
# Run test with debug print
DEBUG=1 go test -v ./...
Or use just file
just testall
# Directly provide range as command line option
cd cmd/resolveRange/
go run resolveRange.go --includes 200-300,10-100,400-500 --excludes 410-420,95-205,100-150
Output: 10-94, 206-300, 400-409, 421-500
# Without commandline option read ranges from stdin
go run resolveRange.go
Enter include ranges: 200-300,50-150
Enter exclude ranges: 95-205
Output: 50-94, 206-300
# Start the server
cd cmd/restAPI && go run restAPI.go
# Run test
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @input.json http://localhost:8080/process
{"result":"10-94, 206-300, 400-409, 421-500"}
# OR
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"includes":["200-300","10-100","400-500"],"excludes":["410-420","95-205","100-150"]}' http://localhost:8080/process
just build
The binary end up in bin/
build restAPI
with docker
docker build -t restapi .
Publish to github
docker tag restapi ghcr.io/aaronsuns/assignment/restapi:latest
export CR_PAT=<replace with your github token>
echo $CR_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u <username> --password-stdin
docker push ghcr.io/aaronsuns/assignment/restapi:latest
(Due to go lint does not like those lines in the code comment, so put the explanation here) There are 4 cases when handling exclude ranges, I - Includes X - Excludes
Case 1 (No overlap):
Case 2 (Fully contained):
Case 3 (Left overlap):
Case 4 (Right overlap):
- ExcludeRange - O(n) because it needs to iterate through all 'n' ranges
- sortAndMergeRanges - sort.Slice sorting operation time complexity is O(n*log(n)) according to https://go.dev/src/sort/sort.go, the merge operation need to iterate sorted ranges, the time complexity is O(n).
- ProcessNumberRanges - O(nlog(n)) because use of sortAndMergeRanges So the overall time complexity is O(nlog(n)), where n is the total numer of ranges in the input.