Tool to takedown malicious hosts on a network based on vendor code
- launches persistent deauth attack on a target
- requires knowledge of target network and MAC address
- allows 3 command line argument for time between deauth attack (in seconds)
usage: ./ <target network BSSID> <target vendor MAC> <interface> <time to wait>
ex: ./ myNetwork evilHardware wlan0 0
- identifies a network's BSSID
- network enumeration tool
usage: ./ "<network name query>"
ex: ./ "myNetwork"
- searches for MAC addresses given a vendor name
- appends * character for all addresses in that code's range
- target enumeration tool
- makes use of wireshark mac list in
usage: ./ "<vendor>"
ex: ./ "huawei"
- manual enumeration increases attack accuracy
- beware MAC randomization
- requires linux box w/capable iface, arp-scan
- adapted from