To build the system (experts only):
Your build environment must be FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE (building on FreeBSD 10 or 11 is not supported at this time).
an amd64 capable processor. 8GB of memory, or an equal/greater amount of swap space, is also required
You will need the following ports/packages when compiling anything FreeNAS-related:
- ports-mgmt/poudriere-devel
- devel/git
- sysutils/cdrtools
- archivers/pxz
- lang/python (2.7 or later, with THREADS support)
- sysutils/grub2-pcbsd
- sysutils/xorriso
- py27-sphinx
- py27-sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.2.1 (and all the dependencies that these ports/pkgs install, of course)
- Checking out the code from git:
% cd /path/to/your-build-filesystem
% git clone git://
% cd freenas
- Build it
% make git-external
% make checkout
% make release
- Update the source tree, to pull in new source code changes
% make update
This will also fetch TrueOS and ports for the build from github.
If your build completes successfully, you'll have 64 bit release products in the release_stage directory. You will also have a tarball in your build directory containing the entire release for easy transport.