This is an example project using the Domain Driven Design pattern based off or ResoCoder's DDD Firebase Course (
It uses AWS Amplify for authentication, follow their documentation for setup (
After following the amplify setup to connect to AWS/Cognito you'll likely need to run the code generation script: flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
The project currently supports:
- amplify auth:
- sign in (with email and passwords)
- sign up
- confirmation code
- sign out
- auto sign in
- forgotten password reset
The project uses:
- BLoC state management
- Injectable singletons
- Auto Route building
- Freezed
- GetIt
Coming soon:
- amplify auth:
- password recovery
- social logins
- amplify API
- amplify storage
Additionally see the snippets.json file to see my dart snippets I used to speed up the build
Note: I'd love any feedback on how to do this better, particularly the management of the different auth stages as I'm relatively new to the BLoC pattern.