Graphical User Interface that allows user to save and administer personnel salaries with easy and understandable user interface.
Aapo Keskimolo [email protected] Software design, Unit testing, MVC architecture, Back-end Elisa Kortela [email protected] Graphical User Interface, Front-end
- Linux 64bit Debian/Ubuntu
- Windows XP/7/10 32bit/64bit
- cd static
- Run SalaryAdministrationGui
- QT Creator 5.6.1 Desktop (MSVC2013-64bit / MinGW-32bit)
- Windows 32bit/64bit, Linux (Debian Jessie)
- MINGW GCC version 4.9.3 (C++11)
- CMake 3.6.1
- Install Git and run git clone
- Install Qt 5.6+ from QT-company website
- Start QtCreator application and open project: File -> Open File or Project -> navigate to target directory from Step 1 and open ""
- Configure QtCreator build target directory: Projects -> Build & Run -> Manage Kits... > General -tab -> clear "Default Build directory:" -box
- Build & Run project
- GUI run-time log is generated in the executable directory
- In case Linux libraries are missing (Ubuntu): LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9