- Docker installed
- If no sbt installed, the jar is pre-compiled and uploaded in the github repository
From root project directory run:
$ sbt assembly
$ sudo docker build -t cleverbase-assigment:0.1 .
$ sudo docker run -it -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust cleverbase-assigment:0.1
All endpoint are GET methods for easy test from a browser and implementation
Credentials like basicAuth, tokens or session cookies are send by query params for the easy test and implementation
When the docker is launched and initial script is run for the example data input:
When the docker is launched the root token is printed in the stdout:
--- Admin Token: admin1234 ---
Use example:
- The first user needs to know the root token which implies to have deployment permissions and access to in this case "the docker" LOGGED!! Session id: 8d54d570-7ede-44c9-89fe-b10a00df4745 Authentication error Generated token: 9540a004-5654-4237-9f07-e7a2459eaba2 LOGGED!! Session id: 22e3d5e6-c167-448a-8e3c-8ad9fb3f702b