- ReactJs
- TypeScript
- Express
- Node
- SQLite
- Knex
To install all dependencies execute:
yarn install
then, start the project:
yarn start
Run migrations:
yarn knex:migrate
Rollback migrations:
yarn knex:rollback
- Route to list all connections
GET: http://localhost:3333/connections/
- Route to create a new connection
POST: http://localhost:3333/connections/ { "user_id": Number }
- Route to create a new class
POST: http://localhost:3333/classes/ { "name": String, "avatar": String, "whatsapp": String, "bio": String, "subject": String, "cost": Number, "schedule": [ { "week_day": Number, "from": String, //Example 08:00 "to": String //Example 21:00 } ] }
- Route to list all classes
GET: http://localhost:3333/classes/
- Filter by subject, day of week and available hour